Focus On 1.80 Eliska – @animateny on Instagram.


Instagram is where creative and talented people come together and find the perfect platform for self expression.

. wants to contribute to your discovery of surprising and creative users from all walks of life. Their common denominator?  They are people addicted to Instagram telling their stories about small portions of their lives through their pictures, revealing their passions and sharing their best Instagram tips.


Today we are happy to introduce you to Elika Podzimkova.  Elisa recently won best picture of the day during the 1,000$ a day Instagramers Gallery @igersgallery contest with this original creation right below.

She lives in Prague but dreams of New York and her pictures whimsically illustrates this interest!  Her ”trademark” if you will, is her ability to add eye-catching illustrations to photos and videos of the Big Apple.  People constantly send her photos so she can edit them!


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Eliska first opened her Instagram account on March 2013, in almost a year she has cultivated 9403 followers with 102 posts.  

You can follow Eliska on her Instagram account @animateny on her Tumblr profile and on Twitter (@amik64)

.Eliska Selfie

Welcome to our Instagramers Blog Eliska, your work on New York city is both interesting and creative!  We are happy to show it off here on


My name is Eliska I am 21 year old animation student from Prague. Even if I live halfway across the world,  I constantly dream of New York city. My project AnimateNY on Instagram is based on my love for NYC. I spend my time adding crazy illustrations to photos taken by amazing NYC instagramers.


As many people before me I fell in love with NYC after spending my first summer there. Ever since that first visit, I try to go as much as I can, my dream is to one day move over to the Big Apple!

Thanks for your contribution to Focus On Eliska!


Here we go!


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You are: A crazy girl with a childish imagination.

You would like to be: A crazy girl living in New York.

3 items to take to a desert island: My dog, my friends, family, iPhone.

What has been your most bizarre life experience: When I got featured by NYC Metro newspaper and they put me on the front page. I had to observe this situation from Prague and was imagining people looking at my pictures.

Super power you would like to have:  It is very clear for me. I want to be able to change my location whenever I want and wherever I want.


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In ‘real’ life

Happy alone (with Instagram), in love, married or it’s complicated:  Currently happy alone and it’s complicated…

You love to: Draw, edit photos, travel, skateboard, drinking coffee in a café, drive.

You can’t stand: Laziness, lie, hypocrisy, stubbornness, dentists…

A song that best describes you: That is a very hard question… American Dream by Electric Guest.

Your hobbies: drawing, being creative, skateboarding, biking, snowboarding, smoking, coffee drinking, photographing

A trip you dream of: A road trip around the USA.

A quote: Live, work, create.

Someone you admire: Keith Haring and Banksy.

What more must we know about you in one phrase: I’ve had cancer and I beat it.


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Your life on Instagram

Your Instagram birthday:  March 2013.

Instagram account: @animateny

Number of followers: 9,403

iPhone, Android, DSLR: iPhone

Did Instagram change your life:  Yes


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Instagram for professional or personal use: Both

Define your style in one word: Creative.

Daily time spent on Instagram: 2 hours.

Favorite hashtag: #brooklybridge 

A favorite filter: Normal or Valencia.

An App: Instagram.

Favorite Gadget: Iphone.

Pictures that made you like on Instagram:  Usually pictures from NYC or creative pieces

Pictures that must be forbidden on Instagam:  Animal cruelty!

An improvement for Instagram:  I would appreciate to see more notification for longer time.

Life without Instagram would be: Kind of boring in many ways.  I would’t see what my friends are doing every day, I wouldn’t be able to observe my everyday life in the way Instagram allows me to do.

An Instagram user we cannot miss:  @pauloctavious + @timkau_nyc


Describe your best picture on Instagram: My favorite picture is named “Listen to The City” There is a man holding balloon in a shape of an ear. It is a black and white photo and for me it is symbolizes ”rush” in NYC. If you stop for a minute and take the time  listen you might not only hear a sounds but also music and priceless advice. 


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Techniques and equipment used: 

Photo taken on iphone by @omarzrobles edited by me in photoshop.


Thank you for your contribution  Eliska!




Here are some more of Eliska’s New York pics:


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Statigram – Instagram webviewer





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