Best Instagram tools available on the Web
You have a Problem with Instagram? Find your solution here!
Instagram Official Website Support Center.
Instagram official website “demo” for developers.
We are waiting for an official Instagram Interface and it seems it could be on a good way. Instagram just launched today a “DEMO” dedicated to developers. Using Instagram’s new real-time updates API, any developer can subscribe to new photos from a variety of sources. The service is limited to very few cities in the world at the moment but shows the interest of the company in geo tagging.
Your Instagram Pictures rights:
Flickr has something like 200,000,000+ images licensed under Creative Commons, making them the biggest repository of Creative Commons work in the world. CC work from flickr is regularly used by Wikipedia, magazines, books, bloggers… Instagram gets something like 5+ million new photos a day and https://i-am-cc.org/ offers youthe possibility to license your Instagram Pics under Creative Commons.
A market place for your Instagram Pictures!
Music records companies or large studios protect their intellectual property rights pretty aggressively, this in turn has created amarket of people who have started buying music in iTunes, Spotyfy etc,. But what about private contributors like Instagram users? This is where LOBSTER comes in, a start up from London/Moscow. LOBSTER was launched on October 30th, it allows Instagram users to sell (license) their photos directly from their Instagram stream, allowing other users to buy and download their photos legally. The author of the photos then gets $0.75 for every purchase.
Interested in buying or selling pictures? Register (only the first time) at: https://ilobster.it
Best Instagram Web browsers.
ICONOSQUARE, the really first Instagram Stats!
Iconosquare.com (former Statigram) is an amazing tool. Datas, Metrics and fun of your pics in Instagram. You can see your most commented pics, tags, etc… Just great! Try it!
WEBSTA.ME, The “Full” Interface in the web.
Websta.me (former Webstagram) is the really first (external) application based on the official Instagram Open Api. This “brilliant” service has a huge success as Instagramers can make multiple comments etc…
This helpful website has been developed by Joe Mio, IG User @jmworks (twitter user: @jmworks). https://jmworks.co.uk/
FLICKSTAGRAM.ORG, Import your Instagram Pics to Flickr.
Flickstagram will import all your Instagram photos directly to Flickr in a new set called “Instagram Photos”. Keep all your meta-data, and no need to download a zip file and upload manually!
COLLECTO (former Followgram), the Follow button for your web or blog!
Collecto (Followgram) creates an Instagram’s follow button to be embedded on websites, blogs and provides a vanity URL.
Fifth Village, Pinterest- like web interface for browsing photos in different topics on instagram
GRAMFEED, full feature web interface and map visualization
Gramfeed is web interface for Instagram Mobile Photo sharing service, you can view populars, feed,follower’s photo feed, visualize photos on google maps, post comments, likes, search photos by tags or location, search users, follow new users and more.
INK361, a very cool web browser.
The job that has been done in this site is brilliant. At the moment of publishing this post. Inkstagram.com is probably some steps behind web.stagr.am but developers are running very fast.
PIXSTA (former Instagrille), Enjoy a fun and elegant Instagram app directly on your computer!
Pixsta (former Instagrille 2.0) is a complete revamp of the most popular Instagram desktop app, now providing you features not even available on iOS or Android, such as the ability to discover photos from users “Nearby” or download your favorite photos directly to your PC in one click
INSTAQUIT, who follows you and unfollows you in Instagram
InstaQuit allows you to track your followers and unfollowers on Instagram. Instaquit will collect your statistics several times a day and let you know by your preferred delivery method.
INSTALAB, New Instagram for Chrome Tabs app.
Use Instagram right inside your browsers new window tab. Instatabs makes sure you never miss a shot from you Instagram feed. You can browse, like & comment on your feeds most recent posts. Through a beautifully minimal design – Instatabs bring Instagram to every new tab you open.
Download here Instalab for Chrome Tabs.
INSTAMEM.COM, wait this remind me of…
InstaMem is an Instagram image browser like many others. InstaMem however, offers you the possibility to link Instagram images to movies, songs, books and other memories. This way you can really bring Instagram images to life.
INSTAPORT.ME, A simple way to export or backup all your Instagram photos.
A simple way to export all your Instagram photos to other social services or your local hard drive.
INSTAEARTH,Explore the world through photos in a Map!
InstaEarth makes it easy to explore the world through beautiful photography taken by Instagram users.
QUICKGALLERY , Create Photo Galleries with Your Instagram Pics for your blog and web
Quick Gallery with author’s design and smart usability make it the most elegant way to present your photos on the web.
IGERSTOOLS, Several Tools for Instagram Users in just one web.
IgersTools web allows easily you to follow back, unfollow back and use a megatag tool through the web.
PINGRAM, a mash up between Instagram and Pinterest.
Pingram is a mash-up of Instagram and Pinterest.
Get your Vanity url page (pingram.me/username) with first login and enable users to pin your photo! And you can embed in your facebook page too!
PINSTAGRAM, Pinterest and Instagram had a baby
Pinstagram works seamlessly with your Instagram account to let your view your feed, what’s popular, search, like, comment and more.
TAGSTAGRAM, a web browser that helps you to tag your pics
Tagstagram allows you to find the group of tags best suited to your photograph. Tap & hold your finger on the text, hit copy and then refer back to Instagram where all you have to do is tap & hold in the comment box under your chosen photograph and hit paste.
Show your Instagram Feeds Live in a slideshow!
EVENTSTAGR.AM, Display Live Instagram feeds at the events
Eventstagr.am is a new startup launching this week which provides a platform for event organisers to display a live Instagram feed to their guests.
Instagram and Marketing Tools.
CURALATE, a platform that applies advanced image analytics to social media conversations.
Curalate is the only platform that applies advanced image analytics to social media conversations to give you the most robust insights available for Instagram and Pinterest. We help the world’s largest brands strengthen their stories and turn pins, likes, hashtags, and followers into revenue.
TOTEMS (Nitrogr.am), Stats and Analytics for your Brand
Instagram Analytics & Insights Curated Photo Galleries to embed on your Web and Facebook Fan Page.
TintUP, Display and Embed any Social Feeds on your website
Tint is a simple tool that lets you create beautiful and engaging social hubs on your digital properties in minutes.
You can aggregate from Facebook pages, Twitter accounts/hashtags, Instagram accounts/hashtags, Youtube channels, etc. and embed it beautifully into any website, WordPress, Tumblr, Wix, Mobile apps, Facebook Pages, & more!
Geo Location on Instagram and More…
BESTLINK, All kind of links around Instagram
Celebrities, sports, brands.. a selection of best links on Instagram
INSTABAM, Find Photos and People from around the world on Instagram
STREETGRAM, a new instagram web mashup to view instagram photos by maps
Streetagram is a lightweight web application for Instagram built on jQuery framework by Daniele Piccone,
Shot24, Find Instagram Pics around you!
Shots24.com allows you to find quickly, last pics uploaded to Instagram and tells you what is the distance between you geo-location and the place where the pic was taken.
CONTESTGRAM, login with your Instagram account and join the contest!
Web, Iphone/Android App for contest on social networks. Right now, pics are tagged and post only on Instagram.
INSTAPRESS.IT, the Instagram Feed Plugin for your your WordPress Blog.
This highly customizable plugin offers the possibility to embed feeds from Instagram into your WordPress Blog.
INSTAALBUMS, website allows users to create shareable photo albums using there Instagram photos.
Create easily your own Instagram Pics Album and share them through social networks
POPULARGRAM, Find Most Pops Picks by nick, country…
Populagram is a service that allows you to view popular photos from Instagram on your PC.
View popular photos by user, tag, location or filter!!
SNAPWIDGET, to quickly and easily embed a photo gallery in your website
Want to display your photos on your website or blog? Use a SnapWidget. No registration required!
Instagram “Funny” applications on the Web.
INSTAC.AT, Only for Cat Lovers!
Instac.at combines two of our favourite things. Instagram and cats! The site pulls in a constant stream of feline photos uploaded to instagram, and there is also an easter egg hidden on the site for users to find.
Other Cat lovers web browsers.
Copy or Print your Instagram Pics on Goodies, Stickers and Posters.
Hofmann Prints, Cool impression of your Instagram Pics
Availble in Spain at the moment.
SQUAR.ES, Bring your Instagram creations to life with breathtaking, high quality prints!
Squar.es is a brand new service that brings your Instagram creations to life with breathtaking, high quality prints. You can choose from stunning canvas prints, vintage styled photo cards, photo magnets and professional photo prints in standard matte/premium metallic finish.Check them out! Squar.es
ARTFLAKES, Print your Pics and Stick everywhere! 
Artflakes is a German Company specialized in selling High quality vinyl stickers and available all over Europe. Artflakes developed for us, Instagram Lovers, an interface that allows us to buy for a good price packs of Pics Sticks in 4×4 inches size (10×10 cms) selected in Instagram. Stick are easely and fully removable according to the company. Stick everywhere your passion and messages!!!
BLURB.COM,Print books with your Instagram Pics.
Find all the tools you need to make your own photo book, whether you’re making a personalized wedding album, cookbook, baby book, travel photo book…
CANVASPOP, your Instagram pics printed in Canvas!
CanvasPop gives you gallery-quality photos on canvas, ready to brighten any room instantly! Canvas Pop is the first company to specialize in printing Instagram photos on canvas.
CASETIFY, Make your iPhone Case with your Instagram Photos.
Casetify (formerly Casetagram) Find all the tools you need to make your own photo book, whether you’re making a personalized wedding album, cookbook, baby book, travel photo book…
COPYGRAM, copy you Instagram Pics to your Computer or even print them!
Copygram brings the ever popular Instagram photo sharing experience from the iPhone to everyone. Even if you don’t have an iPhone, you can still browse everyones photos right here on copygram.
GRAMCANVAS, Your Instagram Pics in beautiful Canvas
GramCamvas, Print your Instagram photos into a spectacular picture. A canvas mounted on its frame. For your home, office or as a gift to your friends. You are the artist.
Download here the GramCanvas App
Hashpix, get original pics from your fav Instagram photographers
Get original amazing looking images printed on Kodak paper in 3 sizes: 5”x5”, 8”x10”, and 10”x10”. Original files are taken from the photographer, not from Instagram feed.
PRINTLAB, Print Your Pics on a Tee Shirt!
Printlab (formerly HipstaMart) provides all kind of services around Digital and Analog supports for your Hipstamatic Pics! Check it out! It´s fun!
IMPRIMEAE, a site dedicated exclusively to the Instragram photo printing
This site offers various products and works integrated into the profile of each user Instagram.
INKIFI converts your Instagram photos into beautiful prints
Inkifi’s mission is to turn your super-cool Instagram photos into physical keep-sakes on a range of high quality products. From gift cards, miniprints, fridge magnets, acrylic prisms to greeting cards and wood, Inkifi is an easy way to make your Instagram photos physical. Bonus points for their super simple ordering system allowing you to acces your Instagram feed, select and easily print Instagram photos. They also have good worldwide shipping fees. Two websites are available, one in English and the other in Spanish.
TWENTY20, buy your favorite Instagram Pics as Canvas.
Twenty20, (former instacanvas) Create your Instacanvas Gallery by claiming your personalized URL. Choose which Instagram photos you allow the world to buy via your personal Instacanvas Gallery.
BACK TO PAPER (former Instagrafic) Print, save, share and enjoy your Instagram photos in beautiful Albums.
Download yourback to paper iPhone App for free, then Choose 36 of your Instagram photos, Choose your album’s background and thread colour and will receive a cute Album in few days! Try it! it´s great!!!
KEEPSY, Create Photo Albums from you Instagram Pics!
Photo album maker Keepsy launched an Instant Album application. It allows you to create a photo book for Instagram photos. The product is only available in USA at the moment and help users transformtheir Pics into physical keepsakes.
INSTAMAKER print your Mosaic fav pics on Mugs, Tees cards and more!
Quickly and easily design mosaics from your photos then one click to put the design on your chest, mugs or postacards.
INSTASHIRT, print your fav pics on T-shirt!
With InstaShirt you can have your Instagram photos printed on a shirt in a quick and easy way..
INSTASLEEVE, Use your Instagram photos to design a sleeve for your iPad.
Easy, fun and beautifu way to design your own sleeve for iPadl!
MYPOTM.COM, Create and Print your own posters with Instagram pics!
MyPotm.com offers similars standard web browers we know and some original things like seeing an overview of all the photos you have like and seeing if you are also followed by users that you follow, plus Posters printings.
Picpack turns your Instagrams pics into high quality magnets.
Picpack is a personalized printing service that turns your Instagrams pictures into
high quality magnets. Do it yourself!
PRINT UP, Print your Instagram Pics directly from an App.
This new iPhone app revolutionises consumer behaviour with regard to photo prints: just snap a photo, have fun by adding special effects and then print it!. All in just a few seconds, and while you’re still enjoying the experience.
PLYWERK, your image on Bamboo.
We’ve perfected an easy, elegant, and eco-conscious way to exhibit artwork and photos without the clunky and expensive frame, glass and mat.
Ask your Plywerk here.
POSTGRAM, create a Photo Album directly from your Iphone.
Postagram makes it easy to send a printed Instagram photo in the mail to yourself, friends or family anywhere in the world.
Download here Postagram in Itunes.
POSTGRAM, Convert your Instagram and Flickr feeds to a poster mosaic!
50 photos is all you need to get a personalized one-of-a-kind poster from Postrgram! Just loggin with your user name and what main shot you want. They will do the rest!
freephotoprinting.co.uk , a nice UK photo printing comparison site
FreePhotoPrinting.co.uk finds all of these free print deals, checks them, negotiates the occasional exclusive photo printing offer and lists all the best places to get free prints right here.
STICKY9, (sticky gram), Turn your Instagram into fridge magnets!
They will be opening to the public very very soon. In the meantime, they are delivering small batches to a select few in the UK and USA
STITCHTAGRAM, Turn your Instagram Pics into Pillows!
Choose from your photos, your friends’ photos, and your favorite photos. Play around with our addicting layout tool to design the perfect pillow.
INSTAPRINT, the IG Pics Printing Box. 
Instaprint is a box that you can set with IG location or a specific hashtag. Any Instagram Pic tagged with that location or hashtag will pop out of the Instaprint box, giving you a modern day photo booth. Nice accesory in fact!
PRINSTAGRAM, print a poster of your pics. 
Prinstagram prints all your pics in all kind of formats. You Choose the Pictures and they ship it worldwide. The site is still beta at the moment but it seems thats Pics are made with a good Quality Photo Paper. A good idea of Gift
Iphone and Ipads Apps around Instagram World.
GLASS CAMERA PRO: Record your world through a glass screen!
There are many Apps out there that offer filters, but none like this one! GlassCamera Pro is probably the first smart camera app for capturing photos and movies from special customized glass lenses.
Recent enhancements include:
– Camera gallery picture access, access your photos and transform them
– 720X1280 quality video creation
– 1:1 Instagram size video compression introduced
– Save to video gallery and directly upload to Instagram
CALENDAGRAM,Print Calendars with your Instagram Pics.
Would you like to put your Instagram photos on the wall for whole year?
Print your favorite photos from Instagram on a calendar.
Download here Calendagram for your Iphone.
CINEMAGRAM, A fun and beautiful way to animate your photos.
Create a stunning hybrid between photo and video. Animate small portions of your photo to create a magical image that’s part-photo and part-video.
Download here Cinemagram for your iPhone
FLIPAGRAM turn Instagram photos into fun, captivating video slideshows
Flipagram App for iPhone turn Instagram photos into fun video slideshows to share with your friends and social network.
Download here Flipagram for your iPhone
FLIPBOARD, Ipad version with Instagram Integration! 
Now with Instagram, a fun & beautiful new way to share photos in the big Ipad Screen!!!
Download here Flipboard for your Ipad.
INSTABLAST, get notified of new Instagram photos as they are uploaded
Instablast lets you know when your favorite Instagrammers post new photos. Set up push notifications to alert you when new stuff appears in your feed.
Download here InstaBlast for your Iphone.
INSTACOMMENTOR, the easiest way to answer comments on Instagram
InstaCommenter shows “Unreplied” and “Replied” comments on your Instagram posts.
You can reply to comments by tapping and the replied comments will automatically be moved to the “replied” list. .
Download here instaCommentor for your Iphone.
INSTAFLY, looks who is talking about your pics in Instagram
Instafy enables you to create beautiful graphical Instagram statistics, and to show off your Most Popular Images by summarizing them into a collage using your iPad and iPhone which then can be shared with friends via Instagram, Email, and iMessage…
Download here InstaFy for your Iphone/Ipad.
INSTAMORY, a memory game with Instagram Pics.
Instamory is a designed iPhone version of the classic concentration game in which up to 4 players memorize and collect matching Instagram photos.
Download here InstaMory for your Iphone!
INSTAKE, Take Instagram Photos.
Like it or not, you can download pics from Instagram to your Iphone. Enjoy Instagram photos in your camera roll!
Instake helps you save photos from Instagram easily and promptly
Download here Instake
INSTALOOK, places, people photos in realtime.
Instalook will help you discover people and photos around any location, the app will show realtime photos posted by people using Instagram, You can browse any location and find photos taken around.
Download here InstaLook Here!
INSTAQLOCK, a clock with Instagram random pictures.
Instagram desk clock app for beautiful photos in your Iphone.
Download here Instaqlock
INSTAMAP, browse pictures geolocated or tagged.
With Instamap, users can browse through Instagram photos according to a location or a tag. No matter what part of the globe or what tag they choose, they can see the corresponding photos live, as they get posted.
Download here Instamap for Ipad
PADGRAM (InstaPin), Creatively Explore Instagram
Padgram (InstaPin) is an Instagram app for iPad, not only can you enjoy Pinterest waterfall view in the app,but also like,comment,share photos and check profiles simply with one tap.
Download InstaPin here for your iPad!
INSTAPOST, Send real Instagram postcards.
Instapost brings together the amazing retro style of your Instagram pictures and the charm and quality of real paper postcards. They print and mail all around the world within 24h (1 business day)!
Download here Instapost for Iphone
INSTAPUZZLE, Instagram pics converted in Puzzle.
Instapuzzle for iPad is a social game built on top of the most popular photo share App Instagram. It converts Instagram photos into amazing jigsaw puzzle games and users compete with each other based on the time they used to solve the puzzle.
Download here Instapuzzle
INSTARADAR, Search & Explore Instagram in a geo way
Search & Explore Instagram in a geo way! I nstaRadar let you search and explore Instagram geographically. You will find easily Instagramers who posts Pics around you!
Download here Instaradar for your Iphone.
INSTASAVE, Ipad App, a Fantastic Ipad Instagram Browser
Instasave HD made to work as a native iOS application with intuitive user experience and a focus on the most wanted features and easy to use design. It´s a free application to browse IG but if you pay $2.99 to upgrade you get a camera with effects and adjustments before you send your photos to Instagram. Instasave HD comes standard with the camera and photo editor.
Download here InstaSave Ipad App.
INSTATAG APP, the easiest way to tag your Instagram photos.
Instatag is the quickest and easiest way to tag your Instagram photos with the most popular and relevant #tags, so you get more likes and more follows instantly.
Download here InstaTag App.
PICTOBENTO 1.1, iPad app for viewing popular images on Instagram, dribbble and PicPlz
PictoBento is an iPad app that allows you to view all the latest Instagram photos and like the ones you love.
Download here PictoBento 1.1 app.
REGRAM, Regram allows you to share Instagram pictures quickly and easily.
You no longer need to go through multiple steps in order to re-share Instagram pictures. Regram automatically gives credit to the original photographer with multiple options for a watermark.
REPOST APP for Instagram, Repost easily Pics on Instagramt.
Repost for Instagram makes it easy to #Repost your favorite photos on Instagram while giving credit to the original Instagramer. –
Download Repost for Instagram here.
SCANTOGRAM, easy way to get followers with your own QR code.
ScantoGram is QR code generator that allows you to create a new fun way for companies and other groups to have a web presence and grow their following on Instagram.
SLIDELIGHT,A magic Instagram photo frames on your Ipad.
Turn your iPad into a magic Instagram photo frame! Discover great pics, see what moments your friends caught and experience Instagram in a completely new way.
Download here Slidelight for Ipad.
TAGITBEST, allows you to look for the best tag for your pics
This App allows you to choose a picture from the saved photo album or take a new picture, crop it, tag it and then send it directly to the Instagram App. It also includes a number of settings that allow search results to be modified or for the tags to be copied and used elsewhere.
Download here TagitBest
TWEEGRAM, Make awesome your Instagram Thoughts!
Tweegram is the simplest way to render your favorite social networks awesome. Using Tweegram you will be able to transform your thoughts into wonderful images just by choosing the style that best matches your ideas. Write text on images and share them through main social networks!
Download here Tweegram App.
Android Apps around Instagram World.
The Tag for Likes App (Android – Free offer on launching)
TagsForLikes is a minimal site that aims to help IGers tag their pictures quicker and get more visibility. There is also an Android app and an iPhone one is currently in review. You can download it here!
Ecommerce and Instagram: Sell you stuff with the help of Instagram!.
Inselly, sell your personal belongings and art work
Inselly.com allows you to sell your art work and personal stuff through Instagram. It´s a place where you can explore everything that’s for sale on Instagram, sort the items, scroll through beautiful pictures, get inspired and maybe even spot something that you’d love to buy.