Instagram figures: More than 25 photos & 90 likes every second.


Co-founder Mike Krieger revealed yesterday through Instagram Official Blog how they’re scaling at Instagram.


You can now follow our Engineering blog for more updates if you are interested by this kind of technical figures.

As they stored a lot of datas  at Instagram, they want to make sure all important information will fit into memory and will be available quickly for us, instagramers through a process called  shard .

More information for Techies here.


We knew in previous information delivered that Instagram was hosting more than 150 million pics in previous posts and going,  but today the important data, for us “non-techy” Igers,  is the impressive figures of Pictures and Likes per second in the platform!


According to Instagram Team, we are uploading around 25 photos and producing 90 likes per second!!


That´s really amazing and i think in the next few months we will have more impressive news !
