Antonio de Rosa the fabulous SocialMatic designer

Antonio de Rosa is an amazing italian designer working in his own Adr Studio .
He took us all by surprise this week presenting to the Instagram fans his SocialMatic Concept camera.
Antonio (a.k.a @antder in Instagram ) has very few followers (around one hundred) and is very fond follower of our active @IgersItalia (Instagramers Italia Network but above all, he has an oustanding talent which really deserve to be featured in this web.
Antonio De Rosa  was born 37 years ago in Cava De’ Tirreni . He is part of this trend of artists who makes Italy, one of the brighter spot in terms of concept and design.
In his daily life, he enjoys Art, Music and Song Writing and has a very special taste for Design. “They are the main columns to build my future” he says.
He always felt a real passion for Apple products and for its innovative way to imagine the future of communication and human being.
That´s the reason why his projects are full of fantasy and always born from a deep Passion for communication and Design. He started to create graphics for videogames on Commodore Amiga when he was just 17! 
First, he worked as Marketing consultant and few years after, he finished his Master in Marketing and Communication with a specialization in “Creative Area”. Now he works full-time as Designer.

He always had very clear that his role would be “Thinking Innovation”

He started to think about an Apple iWatch (see pics below) in May 2010, then he worked on his awesome  “iPhone concepts” series , The Apple iBox, iCam, iWatch2  and a special iPhone SJ as a tribute for Steve Jobs “body and soul” of Apple. And this week he launched Socialmatic Concept Camera.
About the Instagram Socialmatic Concept Camera he says it born watching original Instagram icon.
“I’ve thought about the possibility to bring to real life the social power of  both Instagram and Facebook, with some “physical” features, like image printing.”
After the huge coverage in press releases and Twitter, he admits “I hope one day someone will contact me and make this dream comes true”  but that he is still waiting for THE contact, he says.
We wish him the greatest success he deserves!
More Pics of iPhone SJ Concept here
More Pics of i Cam Concept here
More Pics of i Watch Concept here
More Pics of i Box Concept here