As winter approaches, it is worth thinking about proper nutrition and self-care. And all because with the onset of cold weather, women's risk of gaining extra pounds increases significantly. In order not to get better in the cold season, you need to take emergency measures: walk more, do fitness, do not neglect spa treatments. This is the only way to keep yourself in a good mood and look good.

Why do we get better in winter?

With the onset of cold weather, it gets dark earlier, the days become shorter, and our motor activity decreases. Therefore, it is much more difficult to lose weight in winter than in summer.

It gets cold in autumn, the weather deteriorates, it's rainy, windy – you don't want to go outside at all. In addition, the autumn-winter period is the season of colds and flu, and there is no time for sports. To keep the body warm, I want to eat.

This is the natural mechanism: our body is set up to accumulate fat reserves and does not want to lose it at all. What should I do not to get better in the cold season? There are several ways that will help you not get better and stay cheerful and energetic.

The main ways not to get better in the cold season

• You need to keep warm with hot soups and hot vegetable dishes. Vegetable stew, oven-baked vegetables, dishes in pots are perfect. Include boiled and baked potatoes, pumpkin, and cabbage in your diet. Of course, you can also drink tea, but green is better. But don't get carried away with cakes and sweets!

• Move more! Active physical exercises perfectly warm the body and help you not get better.

• Go to the sauna or steam room, or at least take a hot bath or shower!

• Attend active events in your city! Ice rinks are opening in many cities, go sledding or skiing (if there is snow, of course). It has been noticed that from home the weather outside seems much nastier and colder than it actually is. So don't be afraid – go outside.

• Let your home be cozy and warm. More light – candles, lamps, etc., decorate it with bright colors – autumn leaves, pumpkins, oranges, in short, more orange!

• Wear bright things! Even if you are bound by a strict dress code, you can always add bright accessories - a red scarf, a green handbag, blue boots (just don't wear it all together).

• Eat plenty of fruits, especially citrus fruits – they contain all the vitamins we need in this difficult time. In addition, their bright colors will help you not get better and cheer up.

• The surrounding smells are important too! The smells of cinnamon, chocolate, orange, vanilla enhance mood, reduce appetite, create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth.

• Go for massages, body peels, body wraps – in short, for any body care procedures. If possible, combine them with a sauna or steam room.

• And on weekends, treat yourself to morning pastries – nothing else but the aroma of baking gives the house more warmth and comfort. Baked pumpkin with honey and lemon, apples with cinnamon and honey are a real treat. There are also many recipes for diet cookies and cupcakes.

The listed rules are quite simple, on the one hand, and on the other hand, they are complex. They are simple for those who lead a proper lifestyle. And if the lifestyle does not comply with the above rules, work on yourself so as not to get better in the cold season. After all, beauty requires sacrifice! Хотите скрасить одинокий вечер? Вам помогут проститутки минск оказывающие самые разные интим услуги в городе.
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