Contestgram: the new way to social photo contest on Instagram


Contestgram is an Instagramer photo contest App created by Roberto Pioli (@tebeus) together with his developing team with the goal for Instagramers to

“to simplify the participation at contests based on Instagram photos. Each winner will win popularity, a shout out and, very soon, also some amazing prizes will be offered by sponsors.”


To join a contest is very easy


Every two weeks @contestgram launches a new contest and, along with the theme also the tag you would have to use in order to participate. Through the App you can select and upload your photo by clicking the “join the contest” button or participate directly through Instagram tagging your picture. You can participate with as many photos as you like.


First stage, the Contestgram jury


After the first week, the Contestgram jury will choose the five best photos, among all the uploaded pictures and @contestgram will publish these on its Instagram profile. The Constestgram jury consists of: 
2 professional photographers, 2 amateur photographers 
and 1 judge.


Second stage, you can vote!


Now it’s time for the Instagramers to vote!
 During a week, Instagramers can vote for their favourite photos among the ones published by @contestgram. Either trough the App or directly through Instagram. At the end of the vote period, the photo with the most likes wins!


And the winner?


The winner’s photo will be published in the @contestgram account, with over 65.000 followers and you will also get a shout out during one the next contests. The winner’s profile will be published in the main page area of the App and your name and your profile will be written in the App’s “hall of fame” area.

Contestgram confirms that very soon amazing prizes will be there to be won, offered by their sponsors…


Is that all?
 Absolutely not!

If you are impacient to wait until the end of the contest, you can join the “Contestgram of the Day” contest. Just enter the “Contestgram of the Day” section in the App and click “join” or tag your photos directly from Instagram with #contestgram. You can participate with any photo and any theme. Every day, Contestgram team will choose one winning picture that receives a shoutout on their Instagram account @contetestgramoftheday. You will also find the “Contestgram of the Day” area in the App.




Contestgram tells us:
 “We have still many ideas to reward our followers and we are working on them. We are in contact with some sponsors, and very soon, the winning pictures will be rewarded. We are developing the App also for Android and Windows 8. More information soon….”

Contestgram is already available for iPhone (iOS 5.0 and newer versions) on iTunes.


More info 

Download AppBlog | Twitter | Facebook | Flickr


Join the Contestgram contest and become popular!


NEWS December 4th, 2012

Contestgram now also available for Android! Download here directly in Google Play