Insta.Platform: a new tool for developers who love Instagram.


The company Made by Many has just released Insta.Platform, a tool that makes it a lot easier for developers to make real-time, Instagram-fed web apps.

It´s important to know. The cool people at Made by Many have been huge fans of Instagram since its earliest days. And I really, invite you to meet them in their very original webpage.


It seems that in last February they got the idea to make a “South by Southwest” Instagram homepage takeover around pics Instagramed in this area and since then there have been posting new and funny projects and articles around Instagram like:


What Instagram might sound like? Check the website here.


Why we love Instagram? Check the post here.


And also a little app called the Holler Gram that works with Instagram.


One thing Made by Many noticed is the surprising shortage of real-time Instagram apps that have emerged since the API was announced in last February.


Where came from the idea of Insta.Platform?


Creative technologist Andrew Senter did a little research into why more real-time apps weren’t coming out of the developer community. And which was verdict?


“The available open source code just abstracted enough to encourage technological creativity: there are too many new technologies involved, and the learning curve is just that little bit too steep.”


So to make it easier for developers to make real-time apps out of Instagram, Made by Many has created Insta.Platform .


Insta.Platform mashes up Instagram’s API with some other libraries to create a platform that allows developers to focus more on ideas and less on code dependencies.


You can read more about Insta.Platform on their blog.


Insta.Platform is a win for developers who want to make new apps using Instagram’s API, and also for non-developers who want more real-time, Instagram-fed apps to play with.I try it for my personnal Instagramer simple use and definitely it´s an interesting tool!

The design and Look and Feel are not the most important in this project. The quality of the info and the opportunity it gives are really the main target.

Another great work of  Made by Many People!



Made by Many are really a very incredible and creative staff! Check their web and learn more Instagram inspiration, take a look at Made by Ideas, Made by Many’s open ideas pool. Its seeems that lots of Instagram ideas floating around!

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