, show off your Instagram album like never before with NFC tecnology.


.descarga What is the best moment to show your pictures? If you ask an Instagramer the most probable answer is: Any moment! Instagram has created an amazing new behaviour built around photography and social sharing. And Instagramers are proud of their pictures as these are important part of their personal identity.

Unfortunately there are still some people around who don’t know about Instagram, so the question is: Is there easy way to show and share your Instagram photos with them?  You bet!   It all revolves around  NFC, a technology that enables phones to activate certain actions when touching some physical objects.

You can find more about it in the links at the end of this post.

Currently there are more than 200 million people using Instagram, and growing!  NFC usage is also growing; estimations tell us that 2 out of 3 phones sold by 2017 will support NFC. There are hundreds of models that support it already. .

Instagram + NFC =


For  best friends are those you meet face to face.  But sometimes bringing our digital and physical lives together is not that easy. That’s why the Lylt key rings have been created, to link the digital and the physical.

They are physical because you can touch them, you carry them with you, and they are digital because they can contain your whole online presence in them, not just your Instagram photos.  All this might seem very technical and complicated but it is actually very easy to handle.

A very intuitive web application from your browser is available to manage your Lylt files, and you can see how it will look on mobile immediately. Anyone can use it. The contents of your Lylt can be changed anytime. .



Using Lylt


Lets say you meet your friends, some happen to not have an Instagram account so obviously they don’t follow you. But you have a mobile and your images are living on the Internet after all.  All you need to do is touch your Lylt with your NFC phone and get right to where your images are, no need to find for the Instagram application on your phone, no need to show what other applications you have on your phone while searching for it, Lylt will automatically open your browser and show your images.

Lylt automatically separates your own images from those of the Instagram users you follow. And hey, if/when your friends have an NFC phone you don’t even need to take your phone out, they can touch your Lylt and view your content on their own mobiles. Sharing with several persons is easy!

This is just one example out of many. What about a present for your parents so they can follow up on images?  No messing around with apps, logins and complex things. Just touch and go!  Or what about a gift so your best customers can follow you? Just some ideas, you can keep it very personal also. .



Your Instagram and much more


You can build content around your Instagram account  in many different ways. You can change anything that is displayed by your Lylt, like background colours and texture, text fonts and sizes, adding as much written text as you want, or including buttons that link to any of your profiles on the Internet.

This way Lylt becomes your Instagram and personal online presentation card. Everything just one touch away. .


. invitation request

. will be available soon, you can be one of the first to access the device. Just visit and request and invite. You will be updated with the latest news and get a nice discount when your order your Lylt key ring!

To get more details about head on to the website, where you can also see a short video of Lylt in action.

And to make your voice heard the site has included a rating tool so you can tell Lylt what is important to you and what is not. Key rings are just the beginning and more wearable accessories will be available later on.

Welcome to the Lylt world! .

If you want to get a basic idea what NFC is here’s one short article: Cheers! .

The Instagramers team would like to thank JOSÉ GRANADO for this interesting guest post on our instagramers blog.

