PixHole App, a photographic game based on Instagram


PixHole App is photographic game based on Instagram…



PixHole_graphic_512It may be defined a puzzle game but it’s somehow completely different from standard puzzle since PixHole photos is not divided into small pieces but pictures are drilled and the gamer has to fill the holes by placing the correct pieces in them before times run out…

It sounds simple but it’s really funny and addictive… Stage after stage the game is getting harder with several tricks that aim to confuse the gamer.. There are also objectives to reach, bonus stages, etc…


PixHole is a simple game you can play while you wait for your train, bus and an app you play with for just few minutes to have a quick fun… You can also check your Instagram feed while playing and after each stage they can like photos (and follow/unfollow as well)… There are also different options (playing with your own photos, your likes, popular photos, searching by tags).


One interesting thing about PixHole App is that the app itself is built with around 100 photos provided by more than 50 great Instagramers and the app can be play without internet connection (or even without Instagram account)…

50 instagramers who allowed Pixhole App to use their photos for free because they enjoyed Stefano Figurelli´s idea…


PixHole is freemium, users can download and play it for free and, if they really like it, they can purchase some extra options.


You can download App Store link here and visit PixHole’s website .



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