by Phil González | Oct 1, 2015 | Español, _Destacados
La expedición Iger capitaneada por Pablo David Martin, arribó a Santander sin contratiempos, más concretamente a Pedreña, el viernes por la tarde tras unas paradas de rigor para fotografiar la costa Cántabra (pero que bonita es esta región). Una vez acomodados nos...
by Phil González | Sep 15, 2015 | News, _Destacados
New Expo #MoreThanSelfies at Instagramers Gallery Hi Instagramers During the summer, together with @espacioftef, we asked you to upload your#SplashAndSwim holiday pictures to Instagram with as reward for 70 lucky winners, to exhibit your picture at...
by Phil González | Jul 20, 2015 | Español, _Destacados
¡Nuevo concurso @igersgallery! #LanzateALaPiscina . Si, #LanzateALaPiscina Igers del mundo entero, os necesitamos unas vez más. Esta vez nos gustaría que capturaréis esos momentos veraniegos pasados por agua: esos saltos a la piscina, esos juegos bajo el agua,...
by Phil González | Jul 20, 2015 | News, _Destacados
New @igersgallery contest! #SplashAndSwim . Yes, #SplashAndSwim We are looking for refreshing summer snapshots; jumps in the pool, underwater games, playing with the waves in the sea, bathing in the river… Snap as many shots as you like and upload them to your...
by Phil González | Jun 17, 2015 | News, _Destacados
New Expo #MoreThanSelfies at Instagramers Gallery Hi Instagramers You can now visit the #MoreThanSelfies exhibition with 50 stunning portraits, shot by instagramers from all over the world at #igersgallerymadrid @espacioftef, Fuencarral number 3 in...
by Phil González | May 10, 2015 | News, _Destacados
More Than Selfies, the new contest at Instagramers Gallery At @IgersGallery we are looking for the most original, fun and exciting Instagrams, but with one condition: No more ‘selfies’! Post a portrait (yours or someone else’s) on Instagram...