@BarbourInternational are launching the biggest Instagram Video Contest today #inspiringplaces!
Film your most inspiring place – a landscape, a view or your home and post on Instagram from the 24th February until the Saturday 8th March 2014
¡You can win a travel bag full of @BarbourInternational clothes!
1) Post your video!
2) Follow @BarbourInternational on Instagram when you submit a video or still photograph which captures your most inspiring place.
3) Your entry must include the hash tag #inspiringplaces and @BarbourInternational
There are six prize categories:
– Best Cinematography
– Best Stop Motion
– Best Comic Film
– Best Stil (photograph)
– Most Inventive use of Instagram
– National Film (UK, US & Canada, Europe and Rest of the World)
The contest will be judged by key influencers and photographers but also there is the People’s Choice Award which will be voted by Instagramers on @BarbourInternational on Instagram.
Good luck!
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