Beyond digital photography by @Tonick


Nic Pasianot – Our Instagramers Torino ManIger have been recently interviewed by @cla_ieri for Techmate.



tonick.instagramTechmate is an Italian three-monthly magazine focusing on innovation and on the evolution of mobile technologies. Smartphone and Tablets have changed the way people use the web and Techmate highlights the new business opportunities that derive from the mobile-oriented approach.

This is the reason why Tonick has been asked to explain how photography adapted itself to mobile technology and how Instagram created a new visual language. Here the full interview!


How do you explain the success of smartphonography?


People communicate 24/7, the flow of information and interaction between people takes place by way of new channels of communication: social networking sites.

The development of technology, especially Mobile technology, has reached a point that was unimaginable only a few years ago. Economic barriers have been torn down and accessibility has increased.

Such a context enhances creativity, people take more and more pictures with their smartphones, they like to share them and express their appreciation by writing comments or clicking the ‘like’ button.

This new way of interacting is not reserved to an elite few and having a camera handy means having another point of view on reality, your own and that of millions of people.


What do you say to those who claim that smartphonography is killing real photography?


Smartphonography is not killing real photography, just as Microsoft Word and the iPad haven’t killed writing. Even the most famous photography agencies have introduced digital technologies and use social media. People are constantly searching for unique and meaningful ways to contribute and to enrich communication through images. When a photo meets professional standards in terms of creativity, style, quality and reproducibility, it doesn’t really matter whether it was taken with a Polaroid from the ‘70s, a Leika from the ‘60s or a brand new iPhone 5, using Instagram.


What will be the evolution of this trend?


I wouldn’t call it a trend. Traditional media is presenting smartphonography as the latest fashion, something to talk about in order to be up to date, but I believe it is much more. I believe it is a new way to communicate between people, a whole new language that doesn’t need translation.


Congrats @Tonick!



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interview nicolas pasianot tonick instagram

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