First instameet with Instagramers Gstaad in Switzerland!


Willkommen, welcome, bienvenue

gstaad group


Yesterday, the very first instameet with @igersgstaad took place. It was a pleasant and very surprising #TheGstaadCheeseExperience with new and old friends!


Instagramers Gstaad was born after a very successful instameet last winter with 8 European Instagramers that were invited to the Swiss Mountains to discover #TheGstaadSlowLifeExperience with @gstaad_pr and @saanewaldlodge


Read all about last’s winter meet here


And how is this idillic ski-resort in Summer?

Well… like this!




Green, sun, fresh air, mountains, breathtaking views, animals, cheese fondu, aplhorn music, hiking, biking, sunbathing… you name it!



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Come up and slow down, also in Summer!
