FocusOn 1.66: Jean Claude Luong aka @fotomaniak on Instagram
Instagram is a great creative world for talented people. wants to help you to discover surprising and sometimes unkown users. People addicted to Instagram, telling us about their lives, revealing their passions and sharing Instagram tips.
Today we feature Jean Claude Luong (@fotomaniak on Instagram)! Jean Claude is from Marseille.
“Instagram is a place for artistic expression .”
First of all, I would like to thank the wonderful team of the Igers’s blog for interviewing me and highlighting someone as unique as me…
“I’m JC aka @fotomaniak, from the planet Marseille! I’m the ManIGer of @IgersMarseille (Marseille is in the south of France) and I’m co-working with @phonesthesiste, @ladybirdy and @manoush_ka. I’ve been involved in this project for almost a year now and I still get a lot pleasure and joy. I try to unite the Instagramers through our common passion: the Mobile Photography !
My main motivation is to exchange and to share, or simply said: Live! What better city than “Marseille, European Capital of Culture 2013” to organize exhibitions (Phil Gonzalez still remembers it, huh?), instameets, instawalks etc?
It is far from over, because I reserve a great expo for our followers at the end of the year in Marseille and another one for IgersFrance and IgersSuisse communities in Geneva for next summer 2014!
Please join us, you are all welcome!!
Thank you very much Jean Claude, for your contribution to this website!
You can follow Jean Claude on his amazing Instagram profile!
Here we go!
You are: The husband of my wife that I strongly love (I had to make that point!)
You would like to be: Phil Gonzalez to skateboard with Kim.
3 items to take to a desert island: A photo of Phil naked, my iphone and a pair of socks (it’s cold at night on islands!)
What has been your most bizarre life experience: It was when my son (2yo only) was watching Psy on TV and he suddenly shouted “this is DAaaaaad!”
A super power you would like to have: : I wish I could fly to participate in all the Instameets in the whole wide world…(awww, its beautiful!)

In ‘real’ life
Happy alone (with Instagram), in love, married or it’s complicated: married, 2 children, 1 iPhone, 2 iPad and very happy…every time there is soccer on TV.
You love: sorry, I can not say it here!
You can’t stand: Hypocrisy and lies
A song that best describes you: Imagine by John Lennon
Your hobbies: Meeting people through my travels
A trip you dream of: I wish I could go to Vietnam, the country of my forefathers.
A quote: “To save a tree, kill a beaver“.
A wish: To participate in the next instameet in NYC and the one in Madrid.
Some-one you admire: My wife.
What more must we know about you in one phrase: “A friend is someone that you know very well, but you love him anyway”

Your life on Instagram
Your Instagram birthday: February 2011!
iPhone or Android: iPhone 5S soon!
Did Instagram change your life: Totally, downright, completely, definitively!!
Instagram for professional or personal use: Personal use only!
Define your style in one word: “Urban Photographer”. I love to shoot people jumping and I’m a huge fan of puddles!
Daily time spent on Instagram: Way to much according to my wife!
Favorite hashtag: #IgersMarseille
A filter: Earlybird
An App: Snapseed
A gadget: “Olloclip” for macro photography and fisheye.
Pictures that make you like on Instagram: @philgonzalez pics!
Pictures that must be forbidden on Instagram: Instagram is a place for artistic expression.
An improvement for Instagram: Private messages
Life without Instagram would be: Beautiful anyways!
An Instagram user we cannot miss: @Loxilaux (Just because I’m going to visit him soon!)
Describe your favorite picture: It’s my favorite picture because it has everything I love the most in it: joy, jump, puddle and my wife.
Anything else?
I would like to say thank you to all the ephemeral friendships and to my real friends I met through Instagram, so THANK YOU EVERYONE!
Thank you very much Jean Claude, we love your “French sense of humor !