Focus On 1.78: Sebastian Weiss – @le_blanc on Instagram.
Instagram is where creative and talented people come together and find the perfect platform for self expression.
. wants to contribute to your discovery of surprising and creative users from all walks of life. Their common denominator? They are people addicted to Instagram telling their stories about small portions of their lives through their pictures, revealing their passions and sharing their best Instagram tips.
Today we are happy to introduce you to Sebastian Weiss, better known as @le_blanc on Instagram. Sebastian is a passionate photographer, graphic designer and civic engineer. His favorite favorite tech tool? His mobile! His most used mobile medium? Instagram! His passion? Photography!
It has taken him a bit over three years to cultivate a following of 103 868 followers with 482 pictures.
You can follow Sebastian on Twitter, Facebook and on his Website homepage.
Welcome to our Instagramers blog Sebastian, we are truly honored to have you on our Focus On Feature!

Profile picture taken by Simone Bramante – @brahmino.
My name is Sebastian Weiss, and I currently live and work as a creative in the Digital Industry in Hamburg, Germany. I studied at the Dresden University of Technology and at the Berlin University of the Arts.
I‘m fascinated by the aesthetics of constructions and their details. In my eyes, every city has its own architectural language with a totally individual vocabulary, one time it is rational, another time full of poetry, or then again melancholic, old-fashioned, young, shy and so on. In all of these languages I am looking for the most beautiful letters and words, for the alphabet of the city.
Thanks for your contribution to Focus On Sebastian!
Here we go!
You are: Sebastian
You would like to be: Sebastian
3 items to take to a desert island: My cello, my bike and my camera.
What has been your most bizarre life experience: I was born behind the Iron Curtain in Eastern Germany. During a visit in East-Berlin in summer 1989, just coming back from a concert, I saw soldiers at the Brandenburg Gate, who were guarding the border of the GDR. The strange aspect in this scenario was, that the soldiers directed their guns at us, the citizens of their own country, in order to prevent us from crossing the border. That is by the way also one reason, why I love Instagram, because it gives the freedom to participate in the lives of people from all over the world.
Super power you would like to have: Travel into the past of future.
In ‘real’ life
Happy alone (with Instagram), in love, married or it’s complicated: Happy in love
You can’t stand: Racism and totalitarian regimes
A song that best describes you: Major Tom (David Bowie)
Your hobbies: Playing Cello and taking pictures.
A trip you dream of: Via Brasilia back to Isabela, Galapagos islands.
A quote: A magic dwells in each beginning (Hermann Hesse)
Some-one you admire: Isabel, my love.
Your life on Instagram
Your Instagram birthday: December 23rd 2013.
Number of followers: 103 868
iPhone, Android, DSLR: Dependent on the situation (motives, weather conditions, day light etc), I use either an iPhone or a consumer camera. For the choice of hardware it is of importance, which cam realizes my idea of the picture the best.
Did Instagram change your life: Yes, it opened new horizons to me.
Instagram for professional or personal use: For me, there is not really a difference between professional and personal use.
Define your style in one word: Empathetic.
Daily time spent on Instagram: I cannot come up with a concrete time in hours, as I usually follow regularly during the day what is going on on Instagram.
Favorite hashtag: #theweekendwalkabout
A favorite filter: Brannan
An App: Snapseed, VSCOcam, FrontView
Favorite Gadget: A big external battery pack.
Pictures that made you like on Instagram: I like pictures, which tell me a story as soon as my eyes are caught in them, and which cause an emotion in me.
Pictures that must be forbidden on Instagam: All pictures with violent scenes, Nazi-stuff and guns shall be forbidden. But in general, each and every picture with a meaning to its owner has its right to exist. That does not mean, however, that I like all the boring images of cars, cats and finger nails and else….
An improvement for Instagram: I would like to see better curated feeds, optimized algorithms for the popular wall and a revised comment function. In the case of not being able to answer immediately to a comment, it is not possible to easily find this message again later. That can be annoying.
Life without Instagram would be: More colorless.
An Instagram user we cannot miss: There are many photographers in the context of mobile photography, whose work I appreciate a lot. To list all here would go beyond the scope of this interview. In any case I want to mention Serge Najjar from Beirut (@serjios), K from Chicago (@kbasta), Andrew Bartholomew from New South Wales, (@surfistatomato), Isabel Martinez from Barcelona (@isabelitavirtual) and Janske Kaethoven from Eindhoven (@Janske).
Describe your best picture on Instagram: I was forced to erase it…
How did you take it, any interesting anecdote?: Some time ago right after shooting a great pictures of an interesting object, the guards of this area forced me to delete all of my photos and then asked me to leave the place. This was so annoying.
Techniques and equipment used: iPhones 5s & Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50, Photojojo Lenses and an external Battery Pack.
Thank you for your contribution Sebastian!
Here are some more of Sebastian’s work: