Focus On 1.79 Carlo Alberto Giardina – @finnanofenno on Instagram.


Instagram is where creative and talented people come together and find the perfect platform for self expression.

. wants to contribute to your discovery of surprising and creative users from all walks of life. Their common denominator?  They are people addicted to Instagram telling their stories about small portions of their lives through their pictures, revealing their passions and sharing their best Instagram tips.


Today we are happy to introduce you to Carlos Alberto Giardina.  Carlos recently won best picture of the day during the 1,000$ a day Instagramers Gallery @igersgallery contest with this very colorful pic.


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It has taken him 15 months to cultivate a following of  4056 followers with 456 posts.  

You can follow Carlo his Instagram account @finnanofenno


Welcome to our Instagramers blog Carlo, we are truly honored to have you on our Focus On Feature!Selfie Carlo Giardina

Hi everybody! I’m Carlo Alberto Giardina, alias FinnanoFenno.  My story begins in Milan, Italy when I decided to give up law’s studies to join to the faculty of communications science two years ago.

My Instagram story begins when I decided not only to start shooting photos, but also to draw on them with my finger. Just a finger, that’s all I need.  I use my iphone as an digital canvas and my finger as an atypical brush to link photography and drawings.

I like cars so much so I decided, as strangely as it sounds, to link cars and drawing. The result is a surreal world where fantasy and reality are mixed by the power of digital drawing.

Through my strange pics I want to remind us that “fantasy is just a figment of our reality”, and nothing more.


Thanks for your contribution to Focus On Carlo!


Here we go!


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You are: FinnanoFenno

You would like to be: A joke.

3 items to take to a desert island: A glass of White Russian with ice, Keith Haring’s documentary, my glasses and a CD player who will only play ”Whiskey for the Holy Ghost’ by Mark Lanegan

What has been your most bizarre life experience: When I was in Trondheim, Oslo, I go a little drunk during a party, and so after it ended,  I slept for about two hours in a truck full of dry fishes and one dog.  It was -7°C…

Super power you would like to have:  Allow people to travel for free.


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In ‘real’ life

Happy alone (with Instagram), in love, married or it’s complicated:  It’s simply very complicated.

You can’t stand: smile.

A song that best describes you: ”A Walk” by Tycho.

Your hobbies: music reviewer, drummer and street walker.

A trip you dream of: From Mexico to Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego.

A quote: I may be paranoid, but not an android (Radiohead-Paranoid Android)

Someone you admire: My family.

What more must we know about you in one phrase: My telephone number, but I think it’s not a good idea…


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Your life on Instagram

Your Instagram birthday:  1st of November 2012

Instagram account: @finnanofenno

Number of followers: 4054

iPhone, Android, DSLR: iPhone

Did Instagram change your life:  I would not say ”changed”, but more ”colored” my life.


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Instagram for professional or personal use: At the moment only personal.

Define your style in one word: Fantasticallyreal.

Daily time spent on Instagram: 1 hour.

Favorite hashtag: #VSCOcam

A favorite filter: Valencia.

An App: Adobe Ideas.

Favorite Gadget: A Bluetooth Speaker

Pictures that made you like on Instagram:  Image of breasts.

Pictures that must be forbidden on Instagam:  Image of breasts.

An improvement for Instagram:  Double feed option.

Life without Instagram would be: A life without Instagram.

An Instagram user we cannot miss:  @Qta3, @ma_hovina @sejkko and @benedettodemaio 


Describe your best picture on Instagram: My favorite photo is the first in which I drew on a car.

How did you take it, any interesting anecdote?: I shot it with my iPhone, I still can’t explain it,  but I was attracted , as a magnet, by this car and I decided to make it mine drawing on it, to make it unique.

Techniques and equipment used: iPhones, free drawing by finger, Adobe Ideas.


Thank you for your contribution  Carlo!




Here are some more of Carlo’s work:


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