Focus On 1.84 José Luis Barcia Fernandez – @joseluisbarcia on Instagram 


Instagram is where creative and talented people come together and find the perfect platform for self expression and creativity.

. wants to contribute to your discovery of surprising and creative users from all walks of life. Their common denominator?  They are people addicted to Instagram telling their stories about small portions of their lives through their pictures, revealing their passions and sharing their best Instagram tips.


Today we are happy to introduce you to José Luis Barcia, a 37 year old digital artist and photographer from Asturias, Spain.  The most impressive part of his profile is that he is a self taught artist! 


José Luis first opened his Instagram account a little over 3 years ago and has cultivated 4573 followers with 332 posts.  

You can follow José on his Instagram account @joseluisbarcia and on his Flickr acount


Welcome to our Instagramers Blog José Luis! 


My name is José Luis Barcia Fernandez and I am 37 years old. I was born in Asturias, a beautiful region in the north Spain and I am currently living in Madrid.

II first  became interested in photography in 2003 and then started to mix it digitally with paintings, composing my first digital collages. Between 2004 and 2009 I participated in 20 national and international exhibitions of digital art and photography. In 2011 I started making mobile photography with my Iphone4 and it quickly became one of my favourite hobbies. I am interested in street photography, photomontages and minimalist photography.  I compose my images with the intention of offering multiple readings and interpretations,  I express different feelings and moods through an ever-present subject in all my photographs.

Between 2012 and 2014 I participated in 9 mobile photography exhibitions.  I won first prize in the Architecture category of the 2013 edition of the iPhone Photography Awards, and in the same category during the  Mobile Photography Awards in 2013 and the Instagramers Gallery Photo of the Day Prize in January 2014.

I have also received some honourable mentions in these contests and had the great honour of giving lectures in Mowo 2013, the mobile photography world meeting held in September 2013 in Torrevieja, and in the Real Sociedad Fotográfica of Madrid in March 2014. A few days ago I was informed that I am one of the winners of the 2014 Mobile Masters project.


Thanks for your contribution to Focus On José Luis!


Here we go!


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You are: An optimist with experience.

You would like to be: A musician.

Items you would take to a desert island:  A beautiful girl, a fishing rod, and a surfboard.

What has been your most bizarre life experience: Many, without going any further, very recently in an illegal bar in Madrid, late at night, some really funny and bizarre things happened.

Super power you would like to have:  To fly.


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In ‘real’ life

Happy alone (with Instagram), in love, married or it’s complicated:  right now, happy alone.

You love to: travel to Asturias, have a beer with friends, listen to music and take photographs.

You can’t stand: Dishonesty

A song that best describes you: Yasmin the light by Explosions in the sky


Your hobbies: photography, music, going to the spa, snowboard and my football team Real Oviedo.

A trip you dream of: Polynesia.

A quote: “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”― Friedrich Nietzsche

Someone you admire: My parents.

A wish: To live a long healthy life. Health is wealth! Even the rich can’t buy health.

What more must we know about you in one phrase: For the ladies in 500 km radius of Madrid, you can find my email in my Instagram profile ;o)


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Your life on Instagram

Your Instagram birthday:  162 weeks ago.

Instagram account: @joseluisbarcia

Number of followers: 4574

iPhone, Android, DSLR: : Iphone

Did Instagram change your life:  No, but I have lived very interesting experiences, thanks in large part to Instagram.


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Instagram for professional or personal use: Personal.

Define your style in one word: Dark.

Daily time spent on Instagram: A little bit every hour.

Favorite hashtag: #movilgrafiadeldia.

A favorite filter: black and white high contrast.

An App: Snapseed.

Favorite Gadget: iPhone


Pictures that made you like on Instagram: narrative, emotion, mystery and metaphor.

Pictures that must be forbidden on Instagam: within ethical margins, none.

An improvement for Instagram: To be able to change the order of the photos in the gallery

Life without Instagram would be: A little more boring

An Instagram user we cannot miss: @orietta_gs

Anything else?: Thursday 3rd of April at 20.30h, the Instagramers Gallery in Madrid will open its doors to the public, you can´t miss it!!!!


Describe your best picture on Instagram.  How did you take it, any interesting anecdote?I took this photograph in Plaza España, Madrid, using the high contrast black and white filter of Cameramatic. The central character is a mime and the building of the background is the historical Edificio España, one of my favorites of Madrid. I used Blender to align the character to the vertical of the building and Snapseed to adjust the brightness and contrast, after that, I used Noir to give a soft vignetting. I used an iPhone 4 to make the entire process.


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Thank you for your contribution José Luis and congrats for winning yet another prize recognizing your work with the 2014 Mobile Masters project! 




Here are some more of José Luis ”Dark” pics:


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