Focus On 1.87 Mutua Matheka an Instagramer from Kenya – @truthslinger on Instagram.
Instagram is where creative and talented people come together and find the perfect platform for self expression and creativity.
. wants to contribute to your discovery of surprising and creative users from all walks of life. Their common denominator? They are people addicted to Instagram telling their stories about small portions of their lives through their pictures, revealing their passions and sharing their best Instagram tips.
Today we are very happy and honoured to introduce you to Mutua Matheka.
Mutua is an artist born in Machako, Kenya, a city situated 63 km south east from Nairobi. He draws, sketches, molds and is an architecture photographer, as a matter of fact the UN Habitat uses his photography of urban spaces in Africa to showcase a beautiful Nairobi and Africa. You can find some of his pictures featured on the BBC and African Digital Art among others.
He is involved in a very interesting project called I’m a City Changer, a global movement to share and spread individual, corporate and public initiatives that improve our cities. Their aim is to sensitize and create awareness among citizens on urban issues to achieve better cities.
Mutua first opened his Instagram account 3 yearsago and has cultivated 51,717 followers with 2587 posts.
Welcome to our Instagramers Focus On Mutua!
Thanks for your contribution to Focus Mutua!
Here we go!
You are: Mutua Matheka
You would like to be: A photographer, naturally. Well, I am…
Items you would take to a desert island: Family. Camera. Smart phone & an internet connection. Though, I’d mostly prefer not to be stuck in a desert island.
What has been your most bizarre life experience: Last year while on a road trip to Bujumbura in Burundi, we lost the other team (we were in 2 cars). We had no phones yet, no money (we hadn’t withdrawn an in Burundi yet) and we hadn’t found accommodation for the night as we were separated while driving into the city. This is actually not that bizarre but it shall have to do for now. We did find each other but much later. It was a bad start to our stay in Bujumbura.
Super power you would like to have: Flight is my most enviable super power.
In ‘real’ life
Happy alone (with Instagram), in love, married or it’s complicated: Happily married with a beautiful 1 month old son.
You love to: I love adventure, discover new things & cultures. Riding bikes, BBQ in the wilderness, anything to do with photography.
You can’t stand: People who steal other people’s images.
A song that best describes you: Living my Life like it’s golden by Jill Scott.
Your hobbies: Bikes. Cameras. Off roading. Swimming (preferably in lakes).
A trip you dream of: Road tripping across the Sahara desert and/or across the Namibia desert.
A quote: Not all who wander are lost.
A wish: That Africa lives to please and satisfy Africans
Someone you admire: Jeremy Cowart
What more must we know about you in one phrase: This is the most I’ve said about myself. I’ve got nothing else.
Your life on Instagram
Your Instagram birthday: First photo was shared on Feb 08th, 2011
Instagram account: @truthslinger
Number of followers: 51,717
iPhone, Android, DSLR: : I shoot 80% on mobile (Android). 5% is from DSLR. The rest is Galaxy NX (Android) and a little on iPod touch.
Did Instagram change your life: Instagram has opened my life to so many creative people around the globe. It has enabled me to meet some really cool gramers and it is how I get my news from Instagram. I think it has changed my life for sure.
Instagram for professional or personal use: Both.
Define your style in one word: Afrocentric.
Daily time spent on Instagram: About 2 hours.
Favorite hashtag: #instagramerdown
A favourite filter: Apparently, my most used filter is Sierra, but I think I love the Willow filter most, if I have to use one.
An App: VSCO Cam
A gadget: Hasselblad!!! Give me one now!!!
Pictures that made you like on Instagram: Minimal. Stuff that makes me think “how the hell did thwy do that?”
Pictures that must be forbidden on Instagram: Duckface selfies.
An improvement for Instagram: Introduce regram option. Remove Spam (this is better now)
Life without Instagram would be: So boring. What would I do with my smart phone. Seriously!!
An Instagram user we cannot miss: @asayf
Anything else?: errrrrrrrrrrmmm
Describe your best picture on Instagram. How did you take it, any interesting anecdote?: I’m not very good at choosing favourites but I pick this one because this is my favourite forest which is 1hr out of Nairobi. The sun was just right and seeping through the trees and our car broke down right there. I guess, there was a reason for it breaking down there. We weren’t worried about it then though. We got worried when we realized the sun went down and it looked dangerous and the car was still broken down.
Techniques and equipment used: I shot it using the Galaxy Nx camera. Edited it on Snapseed & Vsco Cam
Thank you for your contribution Mutua, we will be following your City Changer project with interest.
Here are some more of Mutua’s pics: