Focus On 1.89 The master of mobile editing: Robert Jahns aka @nois7 on Instagram


Instagram is where creative and talented people come together and find the perfect platform for self expression and creativity. wants to contribute to your discovery of surprising and creative users from all walks of life. Their common denominator?  They are people addicted to Instagram telling their stories about small portions of their lives through their pictures, revealing their passions and sharing their best Instagram tips.



Today we are very happy and honoured to introduce you to Robert Jahns.  


“My name is Robert Jahns and my artist’s name is @nois7. I’m an Art Director and Digital Artist from Germany, currently based in Hamburg.

Photography was a hobby of mine since I was 15 years old or even earlier.  I’m a very creative person, I played the piano and the guitar in a band, learned how to paint on canvas and loved it to write. I started using Photoshop when I was 12, that’s more than 14 years ago (yep I’m 26). I downloaded Instagram and posted my first image on 28th of January 2012. First I had my account set private but after seeing great photographers getting a lot of good feedback I decided to open my account so the people can see and criticize my work. Since then Instagram became a constant companion.


There are many exciting plans for the future. I’m engaged to the wonderful Galina (@galina90) and we’re going to marry next year. As well I plan my exhibition in New York this year, still a lot to plan so I hope I can make this dream come true.”

Welcome to our Instagramers Focus On Robert!


You can find Robert on:
Instagram: @nois7
Twitter: @nois7_



Here we go!





You are: Digital Artist, Art Director.

You would like to be: I’m really happy right now, always excited to see what the future has to offer.

Items you would take to a desert island: iPhone, solar battery and I think a Lifeproof case would be handy!

What has been your most bizarre life experience: One of the most bizarre should be Instagram, I never thought so many cool things could happen through this app.

Super power you would like to have: I’d love to fly.

If you ruled the world:  I’d try to make it a better planet in every way. All people should feel luck in their life.




In ‘real’ life

Happy alone (with Instagram), in love, married or it’s complicated: In love and almost married <3

You love to: Laugh, love, be creative, be passionate.

You can’t stand: Fear, Violence.

Your hobbies: Photography, Instagram, Art, Sports.

A trip you dream of: Oh so many! New York (will make this dream come true this september), Iceland, Canada, I would visit the whole planet if I could.

A quote: By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it.”

A wish:  To stay healthy.

Someone you admire: My parents.



Your life on Instagram

Your Instagram birthday: 28. January 2012

iPhone, Android, DSLR: : iPhone and DSLR

Did Instagram change your life:  It did a lot, I challenge myself everyday to create new images. Luckily a lot of people are interested in seeing my work. I’m able to work with many great photographers from all over the world and already met a few. As well there are several exciting projects in line.

Instagram for professional or personal use: Both is fine, a mix between both is perfect in my opinion. Gladly the last month have been very successful for me. I was mentioned in several newspapers and blogs so it’s getting more professional for me.

Define your style in one word: I need two. Dreamlike reality.

Daily time spent on Instagram: I got open the whole day.

Favorite hashtag: #followmeto #fromwhereistand #jumpstagram

A favourite filter: Lofi

An App: VSCOcam

A gadget: Tiltpod




Pictures that made you laugh on Instagram: #tobedeleted selfies

Pictures that must be forbidden on Instagram: Nails, Makeup, Hair.

An improvement for Instagram: I’d love to change the title of an image after I posted it.

Life without Instagram would be: Less creative, less communicative.

An Instagram user we cannot miss: @ravivora always makes my jaw drop, so much respect for this guy.

Anything else?: Always try to live the life of your dreams.




.Describe your best picture on Instagram. How did you take it, any interesting anecdote?:

I’ve got many favorites. I really love the Frozen Venice series I did. It went viral in the whole world. I combined the beautiful Grand Canals with the frozen Baikal Sea from Russia.

Techniques and equipment used: Thinking, shooting, Masking, dodge/burn, painting, layering, toning.



Thank you for your contribution Robert, this is really inspiring!












nois7 .