925393_227256700786384_130044576_aFocus On 1.90 Light paintings artist Sarah Haywood aka @moon_scribe on Instagram


Instagram is where creative and talented people come together and find the perfect platform for self expression and creativity.

Instagramers.com wants to contribute to your discovery of surprising and creative users from all walks of life. Their common denominator?  They are people addicted to Instagram telling their stories about small portions of their lives through their pictures, revealing their passions and sharing their best Instagram tips.


Today we are very happy and honoured to introduce you to Sarah Haywood.


“I go by Sarah Haywood in this life. I currently reside on the beautiful island of Maui, Hawaii, and travel to the west coast quite frequently. I am a visionary, light worker, moment catcher, nature dweller, and awareness cultivator. Kundalini Yoga is a technology I have come to love and take on as my practice in the last couple years. I love being in the ocean, surfing, and skating. I really appreciate a song that makes me move my body in new ways.”


Welcome to our Instagramers Focus On Sarah!


You can find Sarah on:
Twitter: @moon_scribe
Web: www.moonscribe.com
Facebook: facebook.com/moonscribe1


Here we go!




You are:  Magical

You would like to be:  Fully self-expressed.

3 items to take to a deserted island: Sunnies. Fresh, clean drinking water. Journal and pen.

What has been your most bizarre life experience: Hmm. So many bizarre life experiences. Perhaps dancing in the middle of nowhere with an 18 wheeler full of speakers, that pulled up to a laser illuminated dance floor in the desert. Seeing first light peek over the horizon and stretching back to see the dark night sky filled with stars, I began to sprint towards the Temple for sunrise. I spotted my friend’s spaceship (art car) driving past.  I ran behind them, jumped in the back, celebrated our reunion and drove all the way to the edge of Black Rock City, where we danced in the rays of the rising Sun. #truestory #burningman #puremagic

A super power would you like to have: To fly at the speed of sound.

If you ruled the world: It would be a huge responsibility I don’t necessarily want to take on this lifetime.




In ‘real’ life

Happy alone, in love, married or it’s complicated:  Happy alone and also in love.

You love to: Be in Divine flow.

You can’t stand: I do my best to fully accept all that is.

A song that best describes you: Song for a Dancer

Your hobbies:  Swimming, surfing, skating, crafting, creating, traveling, adventuring, dancing, playing, singing, praying, photographing

A trip you dream of: To Spain, Italy, Greece, and Paris with my beloved.

A quote: “We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen.” ― Paulo Coelho, By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept
A wish: I wish to be lavishly abundant, blissfully free, to hold the seat of unconditional love, to shine light, reflect goodness, kindness, joy, and love so others may see the Divine light within and express themselves fully and freely.

Someone you admire: Mona Tavakoli

What more must we know about you in one phrase:  I am a Shapeshifter.





Your life on Instagram (since the blog is about all what happens in the instagram world, here are some instagram related questions)

Your Instagram birthday:
sarah_haywood: July 2011
moon_scribe: May 2013

iPhone, Android, DSLR: DSLR

Did Instagram change your life in some way: Yes! I have no idea how so many people could possibly discover my art! #grateful

Instagram for professional or personal use: both

Define your style in one word: Mystical

Daily time spent on Instagram: 10-20 minutes

Favorite hashtag: #happythankyoumoreplease

A filter: x-pro

An App: Mystic

A gadget: Mark iii

Pictures that make you laugh on Instagram: #realtalk

Pictures that must be forbidden on Instagram: n/a

An improvement for Instagram: I like it.

Life without Instagram would be: less consuming

An Instagram user we can’t miss: hallwood




Describe your favorite picture, how did you take it, any interesting anecdotes about it?

This is one of my favorite photos because it came out totally crazy due to the moisture in the air. This image was created with Jason Mraz (@jason_mraz) during the July last quarter Moon in Fallbrook, CA.

Techniques used: Long exposure light painting

Thanks so much for sharing a little more about you with us, Sarah. It’s really inspiring!








