FocusOn 1.61: Wladmir aka @Wlad on Instagram


Instagram is a great creative field for talented people. helps you to discover, sometimes unkown, surprising users. People addicted to Instagram, telling about their lives, revealing their passions and sharing Instagram tips.



Today we feature Wladimir aka @Wlad from Floripa, Brasil.


“I like instagram specially because of the new friends I make everyday.”


His name is Wladmir…


“My name is Wladmir (@Wlad), I am dentist and have a clinic, and besides that I’m a neuroscientist and professor. I have always liked  art, specially photography, but I never thougt of following a professional course before I started with instagram. Until 3 years ago I painted large canvases as a hobby, but because of my  intense professional life I had to take a break on my artistic side. A friend introduced me to instagram at a party and I liked it so much so I began to post personal photos and landscapes. Later, since I was missing making art, I started to make art on phone downloading photo editing apps. Today  I merge photos with artistic landscapes, always trying to generate a doubt or feeling through them. I am also one of the @igersoftheday moderators and creator of @skull_portraits, and my art can be seen on this website, where the principal focus is the mobileart.”


Thank you very much Wladmir, for your contribution to this website!


You can follow Wlad on Instagram and also on AMPT.




You are:  I’m the guy who disappears, freaks out, goes away, comes out of nowhere, that stays because he wants to,  shortens a beast conversation,  understands a good drama, and says that no one expects and saves a night.

You would like to be: Myself

3 items to take to a desert island: My sunglasses, A Pink Floyd CD AND a board on which is written: Do not disturb

What has been your most bizarre life experience: Being locked up at night in an elevator with a woman in an empty building, and  when I asked if she is afraid of the situation she answers: “If I was alive I would be… Hahahahah…”

A super power you would like to have: To be invisible for boring and stupid people.

If you ruled the world: I certainly would end all rules.


In ‘real’ life

Happy alone (with Instagram), in love, married or it’s complicated: Married.

You love: Travel.

You can’t stand: Being without my iPhone.

A song that best describes you: Jokerman Bob Dylan

Your hobbies: Painting, instagram, movies.

A trip you dream of: Egypt

A quote: “The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size.”Albert Einstein 

A wish: Currently I have no desire or dream of consumption. I have lived the drama that people and especially children have passed away in Syria, so my wish would be that those families have peace and do not suffer anymore.

Some-one you admire: Jesus

What more must we know about you in one phrase: “I prefer being this walking metamorphosis than having that old opinion about everything.”Raul Seixas


Your life on Instagram

Your Instagram birthday: November 2nd, 2010

iPhone, Android, DSLR: iPhone only

Did Instagram change your life: Yes, it became the way I express my art. 

Instagram for professional or personal use: Both

Define your style in one word: Mystery

Daily time spent on Instagram: A few minutes, every hour.

Favorite hashtag: #igersoftheday

A filter: Usually I don’t use instagram filters, but I like the Willow effect sometimes.

An App: Superimpose

A gadget: iPhone

Pictures that make you like on Instagram: @eljacker, @dorja @jasonmpeterson @nazaret ‘s captions

Pictures that must be forbidden on Instagram: I hate food pictures and people doing heart with your hands aghhh….

An improvement for Instagram: Better quality on POP page pictures.

Life without Instagram would be: A normal life.

An Instagram user we can’t miss: @jasonmpeterson





Describe your favorite picture: 

This pic had an special feature on @joshjohnson’s #jj_forum. I prefere this one because of the emotions that it provoked.

Techniques used:

I used initially picfx for the cracked effect in one of the hands. After this I used superimpose app to superimpose my hands with the lumiforms background. Finally I used snapseed for the color and contrast adjustments.



Thank you very much Wlad, this has been an interesting interview and I’d loved to learn more about your style and photo editing. Keep up the artistic work!




See some more of Wlad’s pictures below









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