FocusOn 1.68: Boss aka @bossthefrenchbulldog on Instagram
Instagram is a great place for creative and talented people to express themselves.
Every week, wants to help you discover surprising, known and unkown users. People who are addicted to Instagram and who tell us about their lives, revealing their passions and sharing some of their best Instagram tips.
Today we are very pleased to have our first “non human” personality on our FOCUS ON feature! We will be interviewing a dog that goes by the name of @Bossthefrenchbulldog, a Swedish Celebrity dog who lives in Stockholm.
The importance of pet animals on Instagram is mind boggling, we simply cannot ignore how important pets are in the world of Instagram! Do you realize that there are more than 24 million tags with the word dog on Instagram and more than 19 million with the word cat? That is more than the Justinbieber tag which has a little over 14 million! (Sorry Justin…)
Introducing: @Bossthefrenchbulldog!
I am a French Bulldog and I am almost 3 years old. I live with my dad who is a 26 years old student. My dad started my Facebook page just for fun, and shortly after that, Instagram was also added, it all worked out well because I quite enjoy to be in front of the camera and because I am a really quick learner. I love doing stuff for treats and to go outside for long walks and do all kinds of fun stuff.
I live in Stockholm and I and my dad are quite alike, we live life to the fullest and enjoy it together in every way possible.
Instagram has brought us closer; we try new things all the time, go to new places and get to know a lot of new people. We often meet up with people who are eager see me, and it’s super fun!
I am present on quite a few social media platforms as Bossthefrenchbulldog, on Instagram you can find me on
But on Twitter that name was to long and so I had to do with Bossthefrenchbu
I also have a website where you will find all the other social media platforms I’m on!
Thank you very much Boss and Dad for your contribution to this website!
Here we go!
You are: A French Bulldog
You would like to be: A true celebrity, an icon that will be remembered long after I’m gone.
3 items to take to a desert island: Sticks, and bones and chewy stuff.
What has been your most bizarre life experience: My first meet up with two fans from Finland, I never thought something like that would happen; they were acting like I was a superstar.
A super power you would like to have: To fly!
In ‘real’ life
Happy alone (with Instagram), in love, married or it’s complicated: I enjoy the company of humans a and I play around with other French Bulldogs, no girlfriend yet though, just like my dad who is single.
You love: Play all the time. My Dad loves to go to the theater.
You can’t stand: Male dogs that are a bit too macho; Dad has a hard time with people who are to dandy.
A song that best describes you: This one is hard… after really looking for one I chose Yeasayer – O.N.E.
Your hobbies: My Dad loves theatre, Instagram and Social media. He plays Fifa on ps3, Watches Soccer.
A trip you dream of: (Dad wishes) To go back to Buenos Aires again.
A quote: Live life to the fullest everyday
A wish: That I could get better with technology…
Some-one you admire: Richard Branson
What more must we know about you in one phrase: I don’t lie, ask me and I will answer.

Your life on Instagram …. DAD TALKING HERE
Your Instagram birthday: September 7 2012
iPhone or Android: Android for ever!
Did Instagram change your life: Well I didn’t use my phone much before and didn’t take any photos at all, now I do both all the time, so yes!
Instagram for professional or personal use: Only with boss, if that is professional or personal, that’s up to you
Define your style in one word: Street
Daily time spent on Instagram: 2 hours
Favorite hashtag: #WeelkyFluff (I hope it gets featured on Instagram one day)
A filter: Valencia , But Walden is the most liked one for me.
An App: Instagram / Spotify
A gadget: My waterproof phone
Pictures that make you like on Instagram: A great caption is key!
Pictures that must be forbidden on Instagram: A great caption is key!
An improvement for Instagram: Better integration with and similar sites not thinking of them as enemies letting them work alongside them.
Life without Instagram would be: Less fun, I have gotten to know people, meet up with people.
An Instagram user we cannot miss: @sweatengine – A big time-lapse fan
Describe your favorite picture: I really like this one… it’s full of expression!
How did you take it, any interesting anecdote?: This is the first time I had any clothes on him, I don’t do it often. When I took it, he didn’t really seem to care it was taken, at that moment I only had about 10-15 000 followers, after that picture was posted it passed 100 000!
Here are some more of those pics that will make you smile and wish you also had a French Bulldog!