FocusOn 1.70: Moritz Möller aka @brainyartist on Instagram
Instagram is a great creative world for talented people. wants to help you to discover surprising and creative users from all walks of life. Their common denominator? They are people addicted to Instagram telling us about their lives, revealing their passions and sharing Instagram tips.
Today we feature Moritz Möller
(@brainyartist on Instagram)!
Hey there from Berlin, I’m Mo (aka @brainyartist). I’ve lived in my city for 33 years now, hence all my life. I’m a very curious person and like to explore the different facets of the world to bring them together in my life and grow with them. Someone once told me in life you have to go where your fear is. I’ll try to stick with it. I’m drawn to people, emotions, truth and beauty. If I can I try to figure out complex problems, whether it’s figuring out who a person really is or why certain things happen in the world as they are. I get a lot of joy out of it.
Everything that is visually interesting is something I can let myself fall into. Maybe that is why I got a master in art-history and researched about the visual change of photojournalism from 1920-2000 and the motives behind that. I love taking photos with my mobile phone, it is a way to express my emotions, my view on the world and images in my head, that I sadly cannot draw. I got it always ready and can sneak upon the world with a camera, because I can be shy sometimes. I love exploring the visual stories on Instagram and enjoy telling my own story. And most of all I’ve met the nicest people all over the world in the mobile photography community. You can find me on Instagram, Twitter and EyeEm as @brainyartist. I work for a museum service company as assistant to the management and run @igersberlinofficial and work on a blog project ( on mobile photography with friends. I’m an EyeEm Ambassador for Berlin too.
Thank you very much Mo, for your contribution to this website!
You can follow Mo and his very personal intimate street photography on his Instagram profile!
Here we go!
You are: Honest, respectful, passionate, good hearted and responsible but sometimes grumpy and crazy.
You would like to be: The same but married and with kids of my own. An important ambassador for mobile photography who is great at swing dancing.
3 items to take to a desert island: A pretty sharp knife. A book how to build a boat. A diary.
What has been your most bizarre life experience: Oh, please don’t get me started on people I’ve met and experiences I’ve had! But one situation was particularly bizarre and say´s a lot about me: I was this little kid with dark hair and a little dreamy. When I was four years old our whole family was on a trip to the sea. Two cars, my grandparents, parents and elder brothers and sisters, everybody. We took a break at a gas station and I went to the bathroom. When I came back out everybody was gone. No one realized that I was gone until they arrived at the sea. So I spent my time at the gas station between looking and kind of passing out. When my parents finally got back, they were angry at me. I’m kind of looking and searching ever since
A super power you would like to have: Flying, I need a new perspective sometimes. But a hoverboard by 2015 would be nice too.
In ‘real’ life
Happy alone (with Instagram), in love, married or it’s complicated: There is this simple order of things that go from good to bad: Good relationship, single, bad relationship. I’m currently stuck in the middle part.
You love: Meet new people, travel and take photos, interesting and beautiful woman.
You can’t stand: Babbler and superficiality.
A song that best describes you: ¨I’ll Get Along¨ by Michael Kiwanuka
Your hobbies: Photography, lots of geeky and techie stuff, movies
A trip you dream of: A road trip through the US and visiting Tokio with a hoverboard.
A quote: “Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.”
A wish: Finally making a living with mobile photography.
Some-one you admire: My best friend Michael.
What more must we know about you in one phrase: I don’t fit in one phrase, sugar!

Your life on Instagram
Your Instagram birthday: May 22nd 2011
iPhone or Android: My EOS 5D Mark I and my Leica M6 collect dust.
Did Instagram change your life: Totally. I walk around and see hashtags everywhere..
Instagram for professional or personal use: Both.
Define your style in one word: streetphotography-vscomextures-portraits (It is one word, right?)
Daily time spent on Instagram: At least one hour.
Favorite hashtag: #peopleinniches
A filter: Statigram says X-Pro II and the computer is always right.
An App: VSCOCam.
A gadget: Olloclip wide angel lens.
Pictures that make you laugh on Instagram: When the selfie came alive with video on Instagram. Another bizarre moment.
Pictures that must be forbidden on Instagram: Anything unethical and please only original content.
An improvement for Instagram: Divide likes and comments in different notification tabs. And lists would be nice too.
Life without Instagram would be: So sad. I would miss so many people.
An Instagram user we cannot miss: @bild_der_frau
Anything else?: Wow, you’ve read so far. Thank you for your interest. But now, please be so kind, to get me a hoverboard.
Describe your favorite picture: My favorite picture is about a group of people I shot on the streets during december last year. It was early afternoon and they all step out of the dark into the light and you only see their faces in the sunlight. I really love this street portrait because it really freezes time and the color brings it alive, while the light makes it mysterious.
How did you take it, any interesting anecdote?: I took it on one of my photowalks at the end of the year during holidays. It was pretty cold, but the sun was out. I went to one of the tourist centers in Berlin and looked for a good space to take a photo, after finding a spot, where the light fell nice on the peoples faces, I took some quick shots of this group after spotting them. One turned out great.
Techniques and equipment used: I use ProCamera for shooting because I love to fix exposure once and then just tap the phone display. It is my main shooting technique. But I edited still a lot. I darkened it with Snapseed and darkened again some parts in the background with Retouch. I’m usually not editing so heavily, but on this one I did.
Thanks a lot Mo, we love your street photography style and we cant help to wonder what it would be like if you had a Hoverboard to roam the streets of Berlin…
Here are some more of those awesome pics…