Each week, Instagramers.com discovers new people.
People addicted to Instagram revealing their lives, passions, tips in Instagram. Sometimes original and creative or with a glamourous and surprising life and sometimes simply normal people probably like you and definitely like me.
Here “most popular” or “number of followers” won’t be relevant at all. Just People with something in common. Their addiction to Instagram. This week, we meet…
Aurora, Madrid, Barcelona. 
It could be a Woody Allen Movie Title right? But no!
This week, celebrating our two first local groups launches in Spain – @igersBcn (InstagramersBarcelona in Facebook) and @igersMadrid (InstagramersMadrid in Facebook) – what a better idea than meeting a woman representing both cities Igers. This week we meet user @auroramichavila. Born in Barcelona, living in Madrid.
Her name is Aurora, Aurora Michavila. She born in Barcelona , Spain but left her home city town more than 16 years ago now.
Aurora loves to travel and discover different cultures. Years ago, she decided to leave Catalunya and she moved to Argentina. She spent there 2 years, living in Buenos Aires before to move to New York City.
Aurora is a “marketing and communication” woman. She spent 6 wonderful years working for one of the world’s leading brand consultancy, specializing in brand services and activities. She says, she had a great time there. Sharing her work time with her many passions like piano, acting and photography. After her great NYC experience, she moved back to Spain, and decided to take up residence in Madrid where she lives now.
She still works as a branding consultant and also train people on public speaking. Something she loves are kids. She hasn´t got yet… but they will come soon!
She is a very artistic and sensitive girl. She needs music and feelings it provides in her life. As a matter of fact, she has beautiful black piano in her flat, she will play if you´re lucky one day.
And she does love stories… Film stories (she used to be an actress in NYC), book stories and real people stories.
You will probably discover her personality through her pictures full of sensitivity in her Instagram posts.
When did you first join IG?
December 30th 2010. One day before my birthday!! I posted 3 pictures and then shut the curtain off until 5 weeks later that I posted a few more and started understanding what IG was all about.
Why are you so addicted to IG? 
I’ll be honest here… There a different reasons. It helps me connect with people through something I am passionate about: photography. It stimulates my creativity and sharpens my eye to spot new pictures. It offers me the possibility to share a point of view, because when you take a picture you also put your soul in it. I meet new people around the World. I see the World through other people’s eyes. I learned about technique by watching my IG Friends pictures. And it is also an ego trip. People get to like one’s pictures and that is very gratifying.
Were you already found of photo before?
I always loved taking pictures but couldn’t express all that I wanted because my technique was (and still is) really poor. The apps are helping me a great deal to convey moods, souls, feelings and points of view. The first pictures I posted where more about esthetics now I try hard to Express something deeper. I have a loooong way ahead to learn how to do what I have in my mind, but IG is giving me the opportunity to explore, get feedback and keep trying harder.
For you, which are the 3 best pics apps? 
I am discovering new apps every week. When I see an editing that I really like I ask the person what apps did he/she used. The 3 ones I am using the most for now are Iris, Photo fx and Camera +.
How long time do you spend a day in IG? Doing what?
Now that you ask I realize I spend a lot of time on IG hahaha. Depending on the day (now business is kind of slow so I am spending more time than expected, although I enjoy it a lot) I’d say around 3 hours a day. Doing what? Taking or retrieving pictures from my archives, editing and posting new ones, checking my IG Friends daily activity and commenting as often as I can, answering IG messages and finding new interesting people to follow.
How did you get so many followers in so little time?
This week I reached my 1.000 follower! Overwhelming. Never thought I would reach that figure! I guess it was a mix of becoming popular many times so new people got to know my stream and some of them followed, plus taking good care of the IG Friends I follow. Try to comment whenever I can and I have something to say and finally… I enjoy the ride !
Which is your favorite pic? 
I don’t have a favorite one. Regarding mine… I couldn’t say. Regarding other IG Friends… there is a lot of talent out there. People who share daily life moments on the spot like @thomas_k or @richnyc for instance. Wonderful macros like @poeticaesthetic or amazing mood pictures like @ojioji . But there are so many people I like that I feel bad not to mention all of them.
What was your first reaction when you had your first Pop?
I smiled! Hahaha… And I took a snapshot of my iPhone screen. I thought it was something big. Now I don’t care much about it although I think it is a wonderful way to get more people to know your work. But honestly… now… I just enjoy the ride!
Do your “non Instagramers” friends are bothered by your IG addiction?
Absolutely not! I might be addicted (is true) but when I am with my non IG Friends my iPhone is on my purse. I have a wonderful life outside IG and keep it healthy. Actually, most of them do not even know I am an IG member.
A funny anecdote in your short Instagramer life?
Do not really have any anecdotes but I have to say some IG Friends have made me laugh a lot!
A trick you would recommend?
Depending on the purpose. I think the most important think is to enjoy it. Show respect and care for your IG Friends and it will come back to you!
Something you would say to a new user? 
Have fun!
This is not about being a professional photographer. It is only a space where you can have your own room. Post pictures, do not be afraid to follow too many people and keep track of what your IG Friends are doing!
It is nice to read something about the Picture, the moment it was taken, what you had in mind… Ask other IG Friends what apps are using when you like a Picture and try them out. You can learn, or have fun, or explore or make new friends! As life itself… what you take out of IG is up to you!
Thanks very much to Aurora (user) @auroramichavila
She is a very good friend of mine and I thought it was generous to share a little bit of her sensibility with more IG users.