InstaFrManager Instagram Followers stats in your Iphone
Yesterday, scrolling through the app store, I found a new app called InstaFrManager (that´s to say InstafriendManager) and just by the name I knew it was an Instagram related app.
Reading the description I discovered that it is a kind of friend manager, a feature many of us really miss in the original Instagram app.
So, with the help of this app we get statistics and rankings of our friends‘ activities.
Of course not everybody is interested in these facts, but if you prefer to learn more about your followers and get an overview the InstFrManager app provides you with the following functions:
– Rankings of how many of your friends like and comment your posts (recent 10, 20 and 40 posts).
– Detailed Category
* All friends (follower, following)
* Follower
* Following
* Follower whom I don’t follow
* Following who don’t follow me
* Non Friend
– Relationship status
– Follow/Unfollow
– Go to Instagram Page of a user
This app is really easy to use.
When you open it there are only three steps you have to complete:
-Step 1: Update Follower and Following
-Step 2: Choose the number of posts: recent 10, 20 or 40 posts
-Step 3: Click Friend Info and your result will be calculated
A new screen appears and your Friend Statistics are divided in the above mentioned six detailed categories:
* All friends (follower, following)
* Follower
* Following
* Follower whom I don’t follow
* Following who don’t follow me
* Non Friend
If you open them you get the following informations of your friends: rank, avatar, following status, name, nick, likes and comments from the most active to the most passive followers.
The developer of this app is an Instagram user too, it is @gmystudio_gf and you can follow him for updates.
Our Opinion:
This app is nice and easy to use, but not for free, it costs 1,59€ at the moment.
So you have to decide if it is worth it for you personally.
In general the Instagram community is a place where we share your addiction for photography in form of square little pics and where likes and comments should not be the most important thing and maybe sometimes we follow user because we like their pics but they don’t follow us back and never liked or commented on our pics.
With the help of this app we can discover it and it can be interesting, but should not influence our behaviour very much. It should be just an information because in the end Instagram should always remain a place of sharing our passion and fun.
Michelle is our App Cool Hunter. You follow her too through Facebook , Google+ and Twitter.