Instagram and Instagramers on Veja Magazine


Veja is probably the most important Brazilian weekly news magazine at the moment.

Veja is published in São Paulo and distributed throughout the country in more than one million copies and it´s a real important reference for all brazilian People.  It is the leading weekly publication in the country, and one of the most influential outlets of the Brazilian press.

We had recently the great opportunity to answer questions made by Filipe, the kind journalist who contacted us through our @IgersRio team and tell him a little bit more about Instagram app and Instagramers Network activities all over the world.

The full article is not available yet on-line but we added here a screen shot of the magazine itself.

I would like to thank specially @annaleticohen who made this interview possible and helping me translating my ideas to portuguese.

Let´s Instagram Brazil!



Veja publishes articles about politics, economics, culture, behavior, world events, entertainment and wars. It treats subjects as technology, ecology and religion with certain regularity. It has recurring sections on cinema, television, practical literature, music and guides on diverse subjects.