iPhone Photography eBook: How to Shoot, Edit and Share Great Photos.


Our friend @mishobaranovic from Melbourne, Australia, worked on a fantastic project for months. An eBook for all iphone photographers fans. We asked @MishoBaranovic to explain us more details with his own words. Congrats Misho!


“I’m really excited to launch my first ebook, iPhone Photography: How to Shoot, Edit and Share Great Photos. I’m really proud of the book as I honestly think it will help people to gain more understanding and control of their iPhone photography.  I’ve tried to keep the book as practical as possible by including as many example photos, step-by-step processes, screen grabs and relevant links as possible.

Apart from the technical side of things, I’ve also interviewed a number of the best mobile and Instagram photographers, including Benedicte Guillon (@iphoneographic), Jordi V. Pou (@jordivpou), Greg Briggs (@gregbriggs), Oliver Lang (@oggsie), Robert-Paul Jansen (@robertpaul) and Theodore Kaye (@_meanwhile) to help give readers an insight into why these talented shooters use the iPhone as part of their creative process.

A good part of the book is also dedicated to the sharing side of iPhone Photography. I talk about the importance of community building on photo-sharing networks, particularly Instagram.  I’ve also included a case-study on the Instaburb book project, explaining the importance of creating local engagement through photo sharing”.

You can download it here now!

Please check out the book and if you have any questions about anything inside, please feel free to send me a tweet (@mishobaranovic) or email at michaelbaranovic@gmail.com