MadridFoto Contest: The winner is @Takinyerphoto
Just through Instagram, we received more than 460 pics to our MadridFotoContest organized by Aristocrazy Jewelries, MadridFoto International ArtFair and
After a ShortList of 30 finalists. 20 of them selected from Instagram and 10 more finalists selected on Aristocrazy and MadridFoto´s Facebook pages we had to take the decision.
The decision was very tough as the quality of artworks was really oustanding. The Jury has finally to decide… And the winner is:
Takinyerphoto (Anthony, N.Y.C)
This Pic will be exhibited at MadridFoto International Art Fair and as plus, will be awarded with a camera “Canon Eos 7D with zoom EF-S 18-135MM F/3,5-5,6 IS.
An event will celebrate the award on Friday May 6 at 7.30pm, at MADRIDFOTO art fair (Madrid/Ifema/Pavillion 5). The winner will be nominated and the prize will be sent to his address the second week of May.
The winner Pic:
@Takinyerphoto sent us this information when he did´nt know the final results!
We thought it was interesting to share with you!
My name is Anthony, I’m 24 years old and live in New York.
I signed up for Instagram 2 weeks after it launched in October 2010 and my whole life has changed since then.
I find myself taking and editing pictures just about everyday. It’s something that I love to do and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon.
I work in New York City and it’s certainly one of the best places in the world to photograph. I consider myself very lucky to not only live here but to be able to capture it’s characters and architecture with my iPhone.
Thanks very much Anthony and congrats for your fabulous shots of Nyc!!
The Secret Pics of the Votation!
You wonder how was the votation?
Tough, really.. Tough!
In these Pics the jury:
– Giulietta Speranza. Artistic Director of MADRIDFOTO.
– Emiliano Suarez. Marketing Director of Aristocrazy/Suarez Jewelries
– Philippe González. @philgonzalez, Editor of
Here debating on the winner election…
As a matter of facts, the decision between several contributions was so tight that we had to front several votations.
We finally had to ask Designers, Marketing and Communication Staff from Suarez Jewelries to help us with a “blind vote” and finally decided.
Here are the 20 instagram´s finalists who will be exhibited at MADRIDFOTO International Contemporary Photography ArtFair:
@feliciartt @cbas28 @eros_sana @frozen_embers @gegattaz @jordix @luison @munichchico @noinyc @onefinger_onethumb @osqui @pdellorto @richnyc @superangela @takinyerphoto @thisisjo @visionburnt
Thanks to all of you for participating. For you precious time, interest and creativity!