My Instagram crashes permanently. What can i do?


You may have notice these last days that our Fav App Instagram is having really big problems. You probably fronted your Instagram sessions stops after 45 seconds or just three or four interactions, just a single comment and doesnt allow you time enough to post a photo.

Instagram team is probably trying hard to solve the problem right now but by our knowledge of Apps development and Apple Operative System we can imagine the time delay beforee fixing the app can be a far long way and we could spend a lot of days before Instagram starts to work perfectly again.

And days in our Instagramers Addict Live is very long!




Which can be the causes?

Even if we don´t have an official and worldwide answer from Instagram Team Blog (they are talking about next Instameet at the moment) we can imagine the following causes.


– Problems with the release of last version last week.

Instagram team launched many upgrading of its apps last weeks with new interesting tools, sharing, commenting and these new developments probably overloaded internal processes and software and the App crashes constantly.

– Excess of Traffic and Audience.

Instagram has quickly become one of the web’s top photo sharing services and is meeting a great success and last datas of new users registering to the App were up to 130.000 per week and 6 pics uploaded per second.

– Massive Photo sharing System worldwide.

Last studies highlighted these outstanding instagram evolution datas:

– Close to 3 million users probably soon. The two million user mark and announced the launch of their API.
– Adding 130,000 registered users per week
– Instagram’s 2.2 million users upload 3.6 million new photos per week (or 6 photos per second)
– 37.5% of registered users have never uploaded a photo
– 5 % of users have uploaded over 50 photos.

.And the movement is global! Here datas of Instagram Addiction by countries.

The fact the audience comes from all over the world can impact too in insfrastrutures and servers services. This mean a necessity of increase hugely infrastructures, servers etc.. If you are a Twitter user, you may remember all the crashes you were still fronting few months ago and that happens from time to time.

Scott Webb published few days ago on his web very interesting information around Traffic, audience and Interest for Instagram all around the world.

Most important countries are definitely Mobile App and Social Networks Heavy users and can explain the boost of the apps and the problems it fronts right now.

Top Countries IG addicted are: Singapore, Japan, United States, Australia, Canada, China and in Europe small countries in terms of People like Sweden, Holland and Spain are leading the Instagram Movement.

If you are interested by the Post on March 23, 2011 by Scott Webb in Instagram


So what can I do to solve Instagram Problems on Iphone?


Don´t try to fix anything by yourself!

It seems the problems are caused by the App itself, not a problem of your Iphone! Even if we recommend you to reiniate your Apple Mobile from time to time, in this occasion, results won´t bring you any definitive solution. Just sit and Wait!


Ipad owners! Something we tried! And works!

Tip for Ipad Owners, it´s very strange but it seems that the same version of Instagram App for Iphone used in an Ipad doesnt meet any problem? We work with an Ipad 1 and it works well.


Use the Web browsers interfaces!

Instagram is very addictive and you are missing your friends, comments and other people pics! Don´t waste a minute. Use the web!! Break the jail!

Many developers worked on new Instagram web browsers after applying and be accepted by Instagram team to develop “Secure” web browsers and use Instagram in the web.

Between them Webstagram, Extragram, Snapfinch, Inkstagram … With these web browsers you can easily manage your comments, see other users pics and keep in touch with them. The only problem is that you wont ´be able to upload pics but yes interact with your Community! Daily contact is very important in Instagram´s World so KEEP IN TOUCH!!!

See the list of web browser and tools for Instagram here.


Interesting Links:

Instagram Now Adding 130,000 Users Per Week: An Analysis

Instagram App Interest Around the World by Scott Webb.

Busy time at Instagram now. You want to work at Instagram San Francisco Headquarters . Apply!

Instagramers Links: Instagram Best web tools and browsers