Our Instagramers Interview of the Year is definitely Steve Mc Curry ´s


Interview by Orazio Spoto (@oraziospoto), translated by Morena Menegatti (@morenaemme)




Selfie with Steve Mc CurryDuring one of the most exclusive and prestigious events this year, the vernissage for the Lavazza 2015’s Calendar, we had the great opportunity to meet Steve McCurry, the author of such an impressive work of art.

The protagonists of the Calendar are the so called “Earth Defenders”, that are all the farmers and retailers living in the areas where coffee is produced, together with Lavazza itself, whose choice for this calendar is meant to be a paean to eco-friendliness, and of course Steve McCurry.


Phil Gonzalez, founder of the Instagramers network, and I, had the chance to interview the famous American photographer, talking about this project, climate change and environment, and of course his thoughts around mobile photography. An incredible and unique moment shared with one of the most important photographer around the world, right now.


¡Enjoy the interview here!


Have you always been an “earth defender”?


It’s a very long time since I’ve been working in the field, but there’s still a lot of work to do. We all have to make an effort to make the world a better place. I think it is important to leave the world in a better status than how we found it and everyone has to pay its positive tribute to the world.


What´s the current situation in Africa?



Africans’ awarreness is growing and growing. The people I’ve photographed are all representatives and heroes of Africa as they are trying to preserve nature, their territory and their environment’s products. Should we lose such traditions we would suffer from an irreparable damage and they’re perfectly aware of this.


What has been your main motivation to accept Lavazza’s mission?


I’ve been working with Lavazza for 10 years now and we’ve visited many countries like Honduras, Peru, Colombia, India, Tanzania and many more.

Therefore, this calendar is the follow up to a long-term job relationship. The project we’re developing is called “Tierra!” and is aimed at showing the small coffee producers and growers techniques and methodologies regarding how to produce better products and after that earning more from their job. The final goal is let them reach the condition to improve their life standard.


Do you establish a special relationship with people you portray? What is your approach before clicking?



Taking pictures is my wato to get to know people. You need to respect others, be human, listen to them and generate empathy. After so many years this process comes natural to me and people generally feel comfortable.


During this last experience through Africa, what has been the most impressive moment ?



Thanks to this project I’ve had the chance to live great inspirational moments. I’ve been impressed by an Ethiopian girl who’s one of the protagonists of the calendar: she’s very passionate and I called her “a positive killer”. She’s in fact committed to a better life quality and to the product itself. Father Peter also surprised me: a very warm person whom it’s been nice spending time with.


Let’s talk about the new trends in photography… Are you specially interested in mobile photography?


I find it very beautiful and extraordinary the possibility that today everyone has to be a photographer.

It’s more and more usual for great reporters to be passer by’s finding themselves in the right place and at the right moment when something memorable happens.

Today everybody’s got a mobile phone which is a positive evolution to me. Thanks to mobile technology we can all portray our lives in an easier way.


What do you think about Instagram?

Being an expression of the new media I think it’s a very interesting phenomenon. I have an account (@stevemccurryofficial) counting 76.000 followers (today over 130.000, ndr) which widens my audience. When I publish a book I may sell 10/15.000 copies, and when I have an exhibition there may be 1.000 visitors. .

Through technology we reach more and more important numbers. And this is a positive evolution, for sure.


We would like to thank specially Lavazza company and its marketing staff for their kind invitation to this great event and help to interview Steve Mc Curry.


@oraziospoto for Instagramers.com


Selfie with Orazio Spoto , Steve Mc Curry and Phil González





Orazio Spoto with Steve Mc Curry during the interview


orazio spoto steve mc curry


Steve Mc Curry during Lavazza´s Calendar 2014 presentation


phil gonzalez steve mc curry




