Repost other user´s Instagram Pics thanks to Statigram


You think your “Likes” are not enough. “Repost” and promote the pics you liked!

Sometimes you would like to share photos on Instagram from your followings to your followers to make them discover a new photograph or a photo which thrilled you or made you laugh.

But it’s quite difficult to do that in a ” natty way” while also respecting other author copyrights.

That’s the reason why Statigram just released today the “repost” feature.


But how does it work?


Below each photo on Statigram website you will see a “Repost” button ( using the same icon as “retweet function” on Twitter).


It will generate a perfect snapshot of the photo you want to repost with the username of the author and a link to discover his feed.

You just have to Click “Send” and the snapshot will be sent to  your iphone, ready to be shared through Instagram.

Please let us know what do you think about this new feature.
