This week, we discover a pic that catched our attention by its simplicity.
A picture scene where the author expresses the way they live in his country, Holland. Always in a hurry!!
This “cool” guy has an “Hakuna Matata” way of life. If things don’t get fixed today they will probably do tomorrow!
Dennis is 38.
His roots are very far from the place he lives. He is from the South Moluccas, a part of Indonesia. Now, he lives with his girlfriend and his little daughter, he sweetly calls princess. They live in this peaceful country called Holland.
Many months ago, @Luuk1, a great other dutch Iger introduced him too Instagram.
@theparty likes to post simple pics. Pics of things he sees during his daytime but also pics he made before his IG fever.
You will see him sharing opinions on his stream with @palson @oefje @suisselove, @kim1975 @a3aan82 and @daud, a young and great (Hdr) Artist. Nice people I recommend you.
For this Pic, he used first “Colors Pro App” to separate black and white from color.
After he used “TiltShiftFocus App” and that´s it! A great result!
Most of the time he uses a filter to give pics nice dimensions but not in this case. “When pics are good, I prefer not to use any filters” he says… Like this nice picture of girls riding bikes.