FlashOn 1.5: Pic “Alcantarilla de Madrid” by @Luison


More than a pic, today we want to celebrate the more than 1.0000 and real IG addiction for a very old member in Instagram. My spanish friend @luison. Not only because he´s my friend and I discovered he was the husband of a very old friend of mine through IG!!!  But because his daily dedication and work.


@luison is architect. He loves buildings, angles, textures..


Every single day the small community of @igers in Spain and his large followers team all over the world discover his astonishing “Good morning” shots.

More than eyes, @luison seems to have a detecting and processing camera system implanted in his brain.

Every morning, he takes his time to have breakfast and walk with his two beautiful daughters to school. And that´s the best moment for him. He scrutinized buildings, doors, angles, windows to find the best Pic.

Few days ago, we celebrated with him his 1.000 pics to Instagram and today I wanted to make him a small surprise publishing my favorite pic. This awesome reflection in Madrid streets.

You can discover his blog here.


Big Hug to him and all his lucky followers!
