FlashOn Instagramers 1.21: @Xelard


Each week we discover new and interesting feeds in Instagram.  This section FlashOn is an open space where we give a shout out and promote IG users.  No need to have thousands and thousands of followers! Soon, it could be your turn!

This week, we highlight a really original and creative stream. Probably one of the most creative i´ve seen in Instagram in more than one year. From the very first sight, you will understand why. It´s a great work of edition and a long dedication to build this amazing grid view. Meet Levi and more information below the pics.

You can see all his pics here, in his @xelard account.





Levi was born in Russia, Asow City in 1981 and grew up in Ukraine.  He loves photography and is photographer as a second job for a music Tv channel. He lived in different countries like Israel or Germany where he finished a contemporary fine arts academy in Frankfurt. He admits he spends around one hour a day in Instagram. His fav edition apps are pictureshow and Camera+

Levi always wondered why so many people used to see things from a single side. There is so many stereotypes which deserve to be broken. ” If you look to two of your fingers, you may see only two fingers… But if you look through them, you may see four, or even more!” he says.
“It would be definitely a boring world if we would see the things in a very common and single way”
So he thought for a while in which different ways he could show objects from another point of view in his works.  His instagram´s pics are like kaleidoscope pictures, consisting in many details. He some how feels there is nothing, that can reflect better our modern life as “Our life is just like puzzle, with so many different and colorful pieces, but you can´t see the whole picture properly because of our limited angle of sight.”
Levi believes that if we dont think about the meaning of life, meaning of each single day; we won´t be able to treasure things that are happening to us and he says it´s important to pay attention on little and hidden details. Be the detectives of our own human life and try to find out the real hidden spiritual message behind it.
He mostly uses the “Red” color in his works as а сirculatory system of a materiality remembering the color of blood. As blood is known as the most material part of spirituality and also as the most spiritual part of a materiality.
He uses “Black&white” images as a “sparing partner or alternative”. A BW that could be the title of his other colored works, transformed into a grafism.
His work could be summarize as Guess who? Is that what you are thinking about? Who I am really? A kind of introspection…
“In my works I was looking for the best way to find a recovering for the soul of the Materiality.. And my mission is probably to show people who doesn´t believe, material things as their own souls. If you check my instagram´s pics, don´t even hope you will find out a meaning and just a little tip: Don’t think your first thought will be the right one,  take always your second!


Keep on with good work Levi!
