Instagram Worldwide Instameet July, 26 2012

Instagram Worldwide Instameet July, 26 2012


Instagram blog announced last week  that on Thursday the 26th of July will be the day for the Fifth Global Instameet. If Thursday doesn’t work for your local community, feel free to plan your InstaMeet any time over that weekend, July 27th through the 29th. 

If you want to join one of our local IGers groups, just have a look to the list that will grow (here below) or in Cities list. If you need to  get some tips to set your own meet-up,  you can have a look to our tutorial How to organize an Instameet?

Remember that if you don´t find any Instagramers Group close around, you can also visit and be sure to keep an eye on Instagram InstaMeets page where they’ll be sharing tips and featuring recent InstaMeets to spark some creativity.


Main “Instameet worldwide” Events organized by our Instagramers Network.



@IgersbsAs Buenos Aires -Argentina

Worldwide #instameet Buenos aires presente! #instameetBsAs Domingo 29/07, 16hs – Planetario “Galileo Galilei” los esperamos #igersBsAs










@IgersMelbourne – Australia

We’re excited about Worldwide InstaMeet Day!! Mark @dickinsonmark (new member to the IgersMelbourne team) has booked the venue for our InstaMeet! See you at 1000 £ Bend, 361 Lt Lonsdale Street from 5.30pm on Thursday 26 July! It’s not a photo-walk, but there are lots of photo opps at the venue. See details and register at – when you arrive at the venue ask for the Instagram group. We look forward to catching up with everyone and meeting some new faces too.#instameet #meetup #melbourne #igersmelbourne #instamelbourne.







@IgersSydney – Australia

Sydney IGers, be part of the Worldwide Instameet. Sydneysiders are meeting 6pm at the Fountain at Cockle Bay Wharf. @nolim1t will be leading the walk. Please refer previous posts for a map and/or Kik @nolim1t









IgersBSB Brasilia – Brazil


Save the date for our #WorldWideInstameet, Sunday, july 29 3 pm, at the Republic Museum!

This time we, @ACasaDaLuzVermelha and Bailito Soundsystem have the partnership of @CCBBBrasilia and Claro. To start shaking the the crowd, @IgersBsb launches a challenge of photos with the ‘Adventure’ theme, defined by Instagram team for this meeting. We want images of what adventure means to you. You can take part with new or old posts, but only until 23 july 2012 midnight, the Sunday before our meeting.

We’ll choose 40 photos to the exposition which will happen at the event. Each instagramer can only take part with the maximum of 5 pictures,and which he/she is the author. We accept the use of any kind of camera, but we must confess we love those taken with their own mobiles.

Use the hashtag #ExpoAventura for this challenge . Good luck to everyone. Take a chance and spread the word. And keep tuned for more news to come!


Plus 1 year of @IgersBsb at Victoria Haus! Celebrate our first birthday too!

Can you believe it’s been a year since we started our group of Instagram fans here in Brasilia? Well, we completed our first anniversary in May. But, it’s never too soon or too late to celebrate… Come on to the party!

Our beloved friends from @VictoriaHaus will give us a big gift: a super special exclusive area at Saturday, 28 July, with a 90’s party and Pepê & Neném’s show – Velozes e Furiosas (Fast and Furious). You can’t miss it! Everybody is invited. And to get in, you need to have your name on the IgersBsb list. Send an e-mail to with your full name and Instagram profile. You can send us an e-mail with a group up to 5 people. And to make it even better Victoria Haus offers us a bottle of vodka + 6 energizers, so the picture is even prettier with the hashtag #IgersBsb1AnoNaVic . The theme is free and you can post as many pictures you want until the day of the party.

Let’s have fun!




IgersPoa  (Porto Alegre) and @IgersRS –  Brazil


Agora falta pouquíssimo para o nosso 5º WorldWide InstaMeet! As equipes do IGersPoA e IGersRS já estão “a milhão”! Vai ser muito divertido!  Confirme sua presença na página oficial do criada pelo Instagram. Utilize o link “cinza” no topo do perfil. Cadastrado(a), vc receberá os boletins por email de todas as promoções e eventos! Dica de ouro: Acesse sua conta no Facebook, curta a nossa página. Lá vc também sempre estará atualizado dos eventos e destaques. Pela web, acesse o endereço

Let’s Instagram the World!

Realização: @IGersPoA @IGersRS Na foto (Esquerda para Direita): @kaliquedias @gabriel_dall_agnol @leoalbuquerquepoa





Igers Rio – Brazil.

The “Complexo do Alemão” used to be a group of thousands of “favelas” (Ghetto) run by trafficking gangs led by. For many years was the most dangerous place in Brazil. Since police took control, with nothing less but a huge and messy war between them, the place is fighting for survive and became a nice place to live. Today, they’re open to visitors all around the world but people are still afraid of the place.
Imagine our surprise when we discovered a group of amateurs photographers doing everything possible to do, without any ressources, what we love most: To take pictures. Well, we decided to do our “Adventure WorldWide Instameet” at this place, scary but so full of life and love for photography.
In return all Igers at the photowalk will give contributions for the “Photo Club do Alemão” in order to realize a Photowalk for this people to shoot in other places. Anyone visiting Rio this date? Pls tell us!!  @igersRio




@IgersMontreal – Canada











@IgersToronto – Canada

Be there or be square it is for tomorrow July 26th followed by beer & food at the 3 brewers  More details on @toasterbottom ‘s feed please spread the word  Thank you!









@Igersbristol – England

Let’s #instameet #bristol! Location TBC – who’s in?










@IgersLondon – England

This Saturday 28th! World Wide Instameet in London!

Dear London Instagramers,
We would like to invite you to a very special World Wide Instameet in London on Saturday 28th July.
We have been invited to PUMA YARD in the Truman Brewery for an instameet and scavenger hunt with prizes and a special discount for those who come down to the event!
PUMA YARD is part outdoor, part indoor, all party, all the time. This pop-up hotspot celebrates the buzz-and-bustle around town with tons of activities and all things Jamaica. (Jerk spice, beach, and booty shakes included.)
We will be meeting at 4pm for some fun photo challenges to capture the spirt of this great event during the summer buzz of London!
It would be great if you can join us.

You will need to email to get on the guest list for this event and find out more details.
Jess and Debs


@IgersMcr Manchester – England.

Good afternoon igers. After asking the question last week I think there were enough positive responses. I am therefore pleased to confirm we shall be joining in with the world wide instameet weekend. We shall stick to our Sunday meetings and it will be on the 29th July. So, please feel free to share this as much as you like. I hope to see as many of you as possible! & maybe catch some sun this time!








@IgersFinland – Helsinki Finland

#InstaMeetHelsinki is the tag. Our team of Igersfinland will organize a meet up on thursday, 26.

More info a








@IgersLyon – France.

À l’occasion du 5ème Instameet Mondial, nous vous proposons de parcourir Lyon en empruntant un maximum de traboules, sachant qu’il y en a environ 230 ! (toutes concentrées entre le Vieux-Lyon et la Croix-Rousse). Ces portes et cours secrètes sont magnifiques et promettent de superbes photos..

Apportez votre âme d’aventurier et vos baskets qui vous font courir vite car il faut agir avec discrétion, certaines traboules sont bien gardées par les habitants des lieux, on pourrait avoir à déguerpir à toutes bombes ! Inscriptions, questions et renseignements ouverts dès maintenant su @igersLyon







@IgersMedoc – France

RDV pour un #instawalk (ballade à prendre des photos d’un endroit à un autre) + suivi d’un #instapero ou #instadiner

@abmee @alborosia @arthur33 @axx33 @badoursam @ben2pics @benoitcoucaud @bombyx33 @bordeau33 @cchris33 @chima_all_starr @chloe_penderie @coquillages @dujolie @duanereade @dvdrums @elo0o_ @fabgel @fairelafeteabx @fantolili @frk75 @fxbodin @gaelv8 @guilpau @green__lemon @grems33 @griote @_guen @highline @hwildworld @iamlewistlf @igers @igersfrance @jokerire @jscantero @juneocap @kriska33 @lavoinse @littlesherekhan @loi_pa @loloxbdx @matheil @melilolila @microoooo @miiiit @mofeeclochette @moncordonbleu @mooet @mordikus33 @mydame @myriam40a @nenette33 @nathill @new_waves @nikolas_33 @nicolarbrt @plumestein @poutge @ramliabel @rassadin @rickyworld @rollingvelvet @sasou33 @sdiine @sfxxxx @strangel33 @supermyck @tessfra @thedofrance @tribegram @vaaanesss




@IgersMetz – France

À l’occasion du worldwide instameet 5 nous invitons les instagramers de Lorraine et d’ailleurs, à nous rejoindre à Metz Plage, pour une journée placée sous le signe de la détente, du partage et de la découverte.  Programme de la journée: -R.V. au plan d’eau de Saulcy à 11h près du Torii japonais  -Pique-nique






@IgersMontpellier – France

Premier Instapéro à Montpellier à l’occasion du 5ème Worldwide Instameet, le 26/07 Pour plus d’infos et pour les inscriptions, rendez-vous sur @igersmontpellier








@IgersToulouse – France

RDV Jeudi26! pr le 5eme Instagram WorldWide “Instameet” – Je vs propose de nous organiser un PicNic gourmand, de ns faire découvrir aux uns et aux autres nos talents de cuisinier. Je compte sur vous pour : M’informer de votre participation + faire passer le message a vos amis + votre présence et vos sourires Et ..on va se régalez !  Pour le LIEU DU RDV: Pour faire simple cela sera Quai de La Daurade Ou Jardin Des Plantes, Info que je communiquerai plus tard  ET sil pleut….. DATE RECONDUITE Au SAMEDI 28  A vous, Et Faites passer le message en mentionnant vos amis






@IgersHamburg – Germany

The 5th Annual Worldwide InstaMeet is just around the corner and @Igershamburg is in!









@IgersBari -Italy

Rinfresca la tua estate! Il 29 luglio se sei in Puglia fai un salto a Bisceglie, al Toma la Luna Café! Questa volta @__annina__, @ _54r4_ e @Markettoz ManIgers di Instagramers Bari hanno scelto per i loro followers, IGERSBARESI e non, una location davvero speciale per il loro instaperitivo! Un posto dove potersi rinfrescare, sprizzettare in allegria, ascoltare un po’ di buona musica ma soprattutto, chiacchierare e scattare taaante foto col tag #ape_bari.

In tale occasione sarà premiata la foto con piú like del Challenge “Raccontaci la tua estate” lanciato da igersbari lo scorso 15 luglio col tag #summer_igersbari

E allora? Dai più siamo e più ci divertiamo! Il tag dell’evento é #ape_bari e l’appuntamento è fissato per, Domenica 29 Luglio, ore 18.00, Toma la Luna Café, Lungomare Paternostro n. 36 Bisceglie.



Instagramers Emiliano-Romagnoli  – Italy

Prima di salutarci per le meritate ferie di Agosto, Sabato 21 luglio TER (Turismo Emilia Romagna) e gli Instagramers Emiliano-Romagnoli vi portano in gita a Santarcangelo di Romagna in occasione del Festival Internazionale del Teatro in Piazza.

Il Festival Internazionale del Teatro in Piazza di Santarcangelo di Romagna nasce nel 1971 ed è considerato ad oggi una delle manifestazioni più significative e singolari del panorama teatrale italiano ed europeo ed anche il più longevo in Italia.
Come poteva quindi mancare una nostra incursione ad un evento così vivo in una bellissima cittadina in perfetto stile romagnolo come Santarcangelo?

Vi diamo quindi appuntamento a Sabato 21 Luglio con TER alle ore 17 in Piazza Ganganelli. Iscrizione gratuita qui:

Ringraziamo le Community di TER, Instagramers Bologna, Instagramers Modena, Instagramers Forlì-Cesena, Instagramers Rimini, Instagramers Italia. Ringraziamo inoltre lo staff dell’Ufficio Promozione di Santarcangelo Festival per la perfetta coordinazione ed organizzazione.


@IgersRavenna – Italy

1° RADUNO INSTAGRAMERS RAVENNA + AREA51 SUMMER FESTIVAL @ HANA-BI Food, drinks, igers and rock’n’roll Il 28 luglio a Marina di Ravenna da mezzogiorno a mezzanotte @igersravenna vi aspetta al Bagno Hana-Bi – Spiaggia 72. Dal primo pomeriggio saranno organizzati tornei di beach tennis, ping pong e calcino, il tutto condito con challenge fotografici, hashtag | #respira2012 | #igersravenna | #seacsub | Il ricavato dei tornei sarà in parte devoluto alle zone colpite dal terremoto, grazie alla collaborazione con gli instagramers Modena @igersmodena che ci segnaleranno i Comuni che necessitano di maggiore aiuto. Sarà una domenica all’insegna dello sport e del divertimento, ma anche di incontri con gli instagramers più esperti. Ospite d’eccezione, direttamente da Madrid, Philippe Gonzalez @philgonzalez, il creatore della prima community internazionale . Altro special guest di ritorno dal Libano, Gianpiero Riva @giariv , ideatore dell’hashtag #editoftheday e ManIger di #igersPordenone, ci parlerà della sua ultima esperienza al Lebanon Media Tour (#LebanonMediaTour). Tutta la giornata è stata organizzata grazie alla collaborazione con Area51 – Radio Città del Capo e Bronson Produzioni. A partire dalle ore 20.00 la musica diventerà protagonista della serata con l’Area51 Summer Festival e potrete ascoltare sul palco dell’Hana-bi: SYCAMORE AGE, SCHONWALD, GLI EBREI e MAYA GALATTICI. Per il programma completo e iscrizioni:


IgersRimini – Italy

Anteprima #RiminiStreetFood con @igersRimini – In occasione del 5° #Worldwide #Instameet annunciato da @instagram Venerdi 27 Luglio a partire dalle 19.45 siete invitati all’evento inaugurale di RiminiStreetFood per mostrarvi in anteprima il #video ufficiale  ed ammirare la Ducati Borgo Panigale in esposizione. Riceverete il Pass @igers per accedere all’Open Bar!Sarà una buona occasione per bere qualcosa insieme, fare quattro chiacchiere e magari stampare qualche foto. Sul palco suoneranno i Miami & The Groovers  e al termine del concerto verrà proiettato il #video ufficiale di RiminiStreetFood insieme a Michele Lupi (Direttore di @RollingStoneItalia). Tra suonatori, moto esposte e piadine avrete l’imbarazzo della scelta, ma ricordatevi di caricare i vostri smartphone per non restare scarichi a metà serata  Dal 27 Luglio potrete partecipare al challenge taggando le vostre foto con #RiminiStreetFood per cercare di scovare i luoghi più nascosti e meno famosi (ma con grandi potenzialità) che entreranno a far parte della guida che verrà pubblicata in formato cartaceo nel 2013. #RiminiStreetFood è un progetto di Rolling Stone in collaborazione con il Comune di #Rimini e #Ducati



@IgersGuadalajara – Mexico

HOY NOS VEREMOS LAS CARAS!! Los esperamos en el 1ER PISO BAR 20:30HRS. PEDRO MORENO 947 ESQ. ESCORZA Habrá reto en vivo!!










@IgersOslo – Norway.

Let´s Instameet Norway!

Meet at Frognerparken 26 July!










Instagramers Manila – Philippines

Join us on a biking adventure at the 5th Worldwide #Instameet and 10th Philippine #ManilaInstameet with @IGersManila 26-July-2012, Thursday, 4:00PM (Magic Hour) at the Quezon Memorial Circle. OPEN TO ALL IGERS. Have questions? Follow and tag @IGersManila #TheMods @cclozano @edcalaycay @ipetim @pinkipop27









@IgersGdansk – Poland

The first Worldwide #Instameet in #Gdansk #Sopot & #Gdynia. Join @igersgdansk and have fun. Registration










@IgersPortugal – Portugal

Instawalk in Lisbon!

After our instawalk in Porto, we’re meeting once again, this time in Lisbon.
The Meeting Point will on July the 29th, Sunday, at 16:30h will be in Prazeres where the number 28 tram line starts.
We’ll begin our ride aboard tram 28, the most touristic of Lisbon trams up to Miradouro de Santa Luzia, followed by a walk through the streets of Alfama – one of the most picturesque of Lisbon neighborhoods, where there will be plenty of phto opportunities.
For the great finale we’ll gather at Chapitô’s esplanade where we can enjoy a marvelous sight over the river and the city.

Anyone in the neighbourhood wants to join us?




@IgersRD – República Dominicana.

ola Igers!!! Aquí un poco de info sobre nuestro viaje planificado para el 28 de julio con motivo a la 5ta World wide instameet, actividad que se celebra entre todas las comunidades globales y que es motivada por el equipo de Instagram. En esta ocasión ellos sugieren ir de aventura y es lo que haremos!! El evento ya esta en facebook, visita nuestro fan page y busca el link, informate de màs detalles y apuntate. Para màs info tambièn puedes contactar a @asteroidg78 a traves de








@instagSG – Singapore (previous to instameet5)

The next InstaMeet and Photowalk is a joint event with Aljunied PAYM, supported by Kovan Paya Lebar CC. Please note the time change, we will start at 11am with small workshop and continue with lunch photowalk around the neighborhood. We will capture and share Kovan on Instagram for #MyAljunied2012 campaign (more detail about this campaign will be announced soon). The photowalk is also supported by @Kwerkee – which has prepared something kwer-kee for some best pictures of the day. Pictures from the photowalk will also be tagged for the contest with cash prizes from PA and accessories from @imole (stay tuned for more details). If you could, please confirm your attendance with a comment below, because we will have a little surprise for everyone who RSVP before 12th July 23:59hrs. Are you coming?






IgersCapetown – SouthAfrica

Join us on our WORLWIDE INSTAMEET ON JULY 26th. Hashtag for the day will be #instameetct









@IgersJozi – South Africa.

It’s that time of the year again! We are having our 5th worldwide Instameet organised officially by Instagram as well as our first themed walk, “kick it to the curb” which does and does not involve curbs, kicks, its, tos or thes, you may interpret it as creatively and uniquely as you wish be sure to look up our local accounts @igersjozi and @instawalkjhb on IG/Twitter! And also register on our local community site Starting Point: Gautrain Park Station JHB Time: 15:00 Date: 29 July 2012 Gautrain info: The last train leaves Park Station at 20:30 but we will be done by 18:00 in time to have drinks somewhere, with ample time to get back! Please feel free to screen grab and repost this! (just mention @igersjozi, @instawalkjhb, @garethpon, @roywrench or @timvanrooyen in case there are any questions)





IgersZurich –  Switzerland.

Join @IgersZurich !!









@IgersBaltimore – USA

@peachfuzzdrummer has organized another Baltimore Instameet this Thursday to coincide with the larger @instagram meetup! They’re meeting at 6 p.m. At Mount Vernon Square. Hope to see you all there, and hopefully we can get this feed up and running ASAP so we can showcase our city and all of the great #IgersBaltimore capturing it!










@IgersBatonRouge – USA

So on Friday, tell everyone they can check in at the Front Desk. They would just identify themselves from the IGersNewOrleans group. They would get a name tag and then meet us at Cafe NOMA. At Cafe NOMA (let’s plan to spend from 5:30 to 6 pm there) Chef will have a table set up for us with some of the Cafe’s signature dishes. People are welcomed to take pictures of these dishes. After everyone’s taken the photos, the group is welcome to sample the food. I’ll also have wine and water for the group. We can mingle til 6 or so and then everyone is free to enjoy the night’s activities, which include: /Where-YArt-RCJ-Gallery-Talk-with-Russell-Lord-A-Great-Day-in-Harlem 5pm to 8pm: Art Making Activity with YAYA 5:30pm to 8:30pm: Music by the Red Hot Brass Band 6pm: Ralston Crawford & Jazz: Gallery Talk with NOMA’s curator of photograhs, Russell Lord 7pm: Art You Can Eat: Offbeat Sweet and Savory Desserts:Overlooked ingredients transformed into fabulous desserts: Brett Gauthier, Executive Pastry Chef: Ralph Brennan Restaurant Group (Reservations requested) 7:30pm: Screening: Jean Bach & Matthew Seig’s A Great Day In Harlem I think the group will REALLY enjoy Crawford’s New Orleans & jazz photographs in the main exhibition space: * Just a note – the cooking demo is ‘standing room only’ but you guys are OF COURSE welcomed to join in on that fun. I can also see if Russell will want to walk you all through the “What is a Photograph?” exhibition after his Ralston & Crawford walk-though…? The Sculpture Garden is also open until 8:45 pm. LOTS of photo opps!


@IgersFtl Fort Lauderdale – USA

Thursday night #instameetFTL @tap42 #instameet #igersftl #fortlauderdale #954 @instagram @igers









@IgersNewOrleans – USA

Join us Friday July 27th for the #worldwideinstameet @NOMA1910 #NewOrleansMuseumodArt









Igers Portland – USA.

Portland Instagram pubcrawl coming to a close. (22 th July IgersPortland had a insta-pubcrawl here in Portland.

13 of them crisscrossed downtown, took many photos, and had a wonderfully fun

Look at these crazy sweet kids. @photosbyjk @backpocketcamera @damejeri @geekyexporers @geopdx @kodachromeiphone @chrislae






@IgersEastBay – San Francisco – USA

Ah, summer by the bay! While the rest of the country is sweltering, many of us here are “sweatering” to ward of the misty chill of the Pacific marine layer. Just because the temperature rarely raises above 70 degrees fahrenheit around here doesn’t mean we can’t party Polynesian style! Adventure is the theme for this Worldwide Instameet Day, so we’ve decided to celebrate summer by bringing the tropics to the East Bay. Please join us for a tiki-themed meet-up on Thursday, July 26 at The Conga Lounge from 6 – 8 p.m. for an opportunity to meet your fellow IG addicts to talk shop or simply share a pu-pu or two. The Conga Lounge is at 5422 College Avenue in Oakland, above Cafe Rustica and is only four blocks from the Rockridge BART station. The lounge does serve food, including pizza from the cafe below and the Rockridge neighborhood is full of restaurants for those who may want to grab a bite after the event. We hope you’ll join us, aloha!





IgersSanDiego – USA.

WORLDWIDE INSTAMEET SAN DIEGO ORGANIZED BY IGERSSANDIEGO  LA JOLLA, CHILDREN’S POOL JULY 29TH 2PM-4PM – Flier design @pacificyo Original Photo @sandiegochris  Park early, maybe by 1:30pm – Dinner after if people want to stay  Check Facebook for more details! Can’t wait to see everyone!








Igers_Seattle – USA.

Join the IGers Seattle Team in the Worldwide Instameet at the Seattle Dragon Boat Festival. IGers WILL MEET AT 10:30 AM in time for “Food and Beverage Gardens” and other activities. Festival details:

Stay tuned for directions and exact meeting place. Your “To Do” List:

1) Make it easier on us and RSVP at here (or see link at top of IGers_Seattle profile for link to Facebook posting). You can also RSVP here in the comments or on Facebook itself.

2) Show up with a fully charged battery (and sunscreen)

3) Tag your images with #Instameet, #InstameetSeattle, and of course, #IGers_Seattle

Dragon Boating is a team sport that originated in China more than 2,500 years ago! Come capture the excitement! And catch IGerSeattle’s member, @eelnej trying not to let down her team. Either way it’s a “win”: the festival is a fundraiser for  We hope to see you there

(image by @iwife)


IgersMallorca – Spain.

@IgersMallorca (Mallorca Island, Spain) had their own photowalk on Sunday 22 July.  the brand new group is promoting the use of Instagram in this dreamy island too!











El 26 de Julio 1170 comunidades de @instagram alrededor del mundo de nuevo reunidas a través de la fotografía móvil! Venezuela se suma al 5to. World Wide Instameet! En esta oportunidad Instagram sugiere ir de aventura! Pero como cae jueves pues la aventura será salir de la cola y venir a nuestro 3er. Worldwide Instameet! Es un momento para conocernos, compartir, hacer fotos y pasar un buen rato entre IGers! Dentro de 2 semanas anunciaremos el lugar y la hora! RESERVA LA FECHA y forma parte de este movimiento mundial! Instagramers Venezuela