First Official Combined Instagramers South Africa Instameet

Come join us for the first EVER official, combined
Instagramers South Africa Instameet for the launch of our local Instagram community
@igersSouthAfrica! All over the country local IGers will be having Instameets in their cities during
the weekend of the 25-27th of January!
Joining us on the walk makes you eligible for winning an
Olloclip or a Large Snapgram Framed Print.
Over the course of the weekend (25-27th Jan) we will be monitoring our local hashtags #igersCapeTown and #igersSouthAfrica for entries!
Check out
@igerSouthAfrica who will be posting rules regarding the competition during the course of this week!
But for now here’s what you need to know!
Date: 27th January 2013
Time: 10:00
Meeting Place: Green Market Square
Them: Framed!We hope to see you there!
Feel free to repost this image to your personal accounts by taking a screen shot!
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