Four London Instagramers give masterclass for national UK newspaper
On September 24, four leading Instagramers, led by Richard Gray (@rugfoot), will be giving a Masterclass for a leading national UK newspaper. For several years now, The Guardian has run a series of highly-respected Masterclasses in a wide variety of creative fields, such as writing, photography, painting, art history, film.
The opportunity to present our new sub-genre of photography represents serious recognition of our work. This is another step in the coming of age of iphoneography as a serious art form and a major cultural movement.
The 3-hour masterclass is expected to be attended by up to 100 people and the presenters at the workshop are all highly active and creative London-based Instagramers. Marina Akwa (@iphonehipsta) will be talking about Hipstamatic and creative iphoneography; Jen Thomas (@ikebana_jen) will be presenting about landscapes and iphoneography‘s relationship with the art world; and Bal Bhatla (@mrwhisper) will be talking about street photography and candid portraiture.