With more than 600 Instagramers groups in 80 countries, Instagramers (aka @Igers) community was the first Instagram’s fans community launched ever.
Our hashtag #igers is up to 240 million pics on Instagram! We made tons of friends, we married people, we had dozens of “Instababies”, fruit of thousands of Instameets around the world. We want to celebrate our 8th anniversary with you all!
2010 seems so long time ago. Let´s have a “revival”!

Instagramers Worldwide Instameet 06 and 07 october 2018
2010: We were less than 3 or 4 million Instagram lovers around the planet. Instagram was a place where mobile photography was reigning and thousands of users around the world wanted to go further than a social media friendship built through pictures. They were eager to meet each other in “the real life”.
Our Igers (a.k.a Instagramers) groups of Madrid, Portland, Barcelona, London turned to be the really first promotors of a spontaneous and worldwide instameets movement on Instagram. So good memories!
Today things have changed a lot on Instagram, we are more than 1.000 million users and our behaviours and interests are really different from 2010 but Instagramers Networks still supports the idea that “not everything is based on funny stories, using masks, running after followers and likes”. PEOPLE are still important too.
Let´s celebrate a new Worldwide Instameet! Our own #IgersWorldInstameet!
Instagramers Network wants to celebrate once again a global and enthusiastic #IgersWorldInstameet next October 06 and 07th and call all its IGers local communities to participate!!!
How to join our #IgersWorldInstameet?
There is different ways to join our global movement.
Check if there is an official IGers local chapter in your city. If yes, join there Instameet!
If there is no Igers local chapter in your city you can organize your own instameet, photowalk etc. with 3, 5, 8 or 100 Instafriends! Please use our hashtag #igersworldinstameet and local chapter #igersworldinstameet_nameofyourcity for example… so we can enjoy your pictures!
Where will we celebrate Instagramers World Instameet around the world?
We will communicate progressively here the groups that will participate so keep connected!
Instagramers Malmoe (Sweden)
After a long time of silence Instagramers Malmoe proudly Announces SCOTT KELBY’S WORLDWIDE PHOTOWALK on Saturday October 6th 13.00-15.00
More info here!
So don´t miss our IgersWorldInstameet!!
You will find here tips to organize an Instameet.