What is Instagram?
Instagram is a pics app for Iphone available in Applestore. It works too in Ipod Touch (and Ipad) and I´s free.
It´s the first app you will find in App Search Results.
“IG Tips” is another app you will find but only for Instagram tips
How much does cost Instagram?
Current version of Instagram is free. it´s possible that very soon Instagram will launch an improved app and who knows, a “Premium Version”?
Instagram available for Ipad?
Not at the moment.
You know you can use Iphone version in Ipad but at the moment it´s the same version. I use Instagram in my Ipad as it is really a good device to watch videos and pics and with Instagram it´s a real pleasure to have a bigger screen.
At the moment Ipad hasnt got Camera but soon, it will be a very good option to take pics, edit them, share pics with friend etc…
Instagram for Android, Nokia, Samsung and other Smartphones?
Not for the moment but we will keep you informed here! In the mean time you can use your Android apps to take pics and stock them until Instagram for your own Mobile O.S is launched. I think Instagram Team is working on it as apps like PicPLz are already in Android, Iphone etc..
Where can I find Instagram in Internet?
It´s funny to see the office where they used to work at the beginning and the evolution of the company.
It´s another success story of a simple interface with a clear added value for users.
Will Instagram be available soon for other mobile devices?
It´s very probable that the huge success of Instagram will drive founders to develop new versions before 6 months or so, for other devices of the market.
Instagram app reached more than
1 million users in only three months. Twitter took at least two years.
Is Instagram compatible with the camera of my Iphone?
You can begin taking pictures with your Iphone and then use “artistic” filters of Instagram, to scale it, focus the pic, crop it or change colors… If you want to use Instagram App as Camera you can do so.
I personally prefer to take a pic with the original Iphone Camera (I think it´s faster) and then edit it with Instagram before uploading it. Each user has its own tastes and each photo, its own colors.
Is instagram compatible with the other photos apps for Iphone?
Of course. You will find tons of programs to take and edit pics.
Depending on the effects you´re looking for… HDR quality, original borders, special effects, extended zoom lenses, incrustation of message or signature… you will find these apps easily in Applestore or through other users advices in Instagram comments or in our next instagramers.com posts.
Some apps like “Camera+” are mainly focused in modifying “the original pics”
They are like really “micro-photoshops” apps allowing changes of colors, saturation, contrast, dimensions and apply different effects.
You can send an “old” picture to your Iphone from your PC and then modify it before upload to Instagram.
Some users do.
In fact there is many Instagramers who upload pics from the past as they do not have enough stock of pics today or simply want to upload old photos.
For example, the logo of this web has been designed in few minutes without any PC, taking a screenshot from Internet of a 70´s camera and using different apps.
There is no doubt we are fronting the beginning of the Instagram and photo apps Fever.
We will see soon new apps revue in this web.
Must I take all my pics with my Iphone?
No. You don’t have to!! But it´s funnier to think that all these pictures are spontaneous and the fruit of improvisation. However you´re free to do whatever you want.
Some Instagramers underlines in their own nick as @iphonequeen they are pure Iphone photographers.
Using Instagram, you will probably find artists presenting professional works.
However in this case, I think it´s fair to inform your followers which kind of technology or camera you are using and avoid fans frustration!
Instagram in other languages?
The majority of people uses at least two languages. Own and the English.
Instagram is another social network?
Instagram is not a Facebook, nor a Twitter!
Instagram does´nt have any web interface at the moment.
It only allows you to upload photos and to title them in the Iphone.
You won´t be able later on to go to the Web and change things, edit or eliminate comments.
So be careful!
The interface has quite a lot of limitations at the moment and we will analyze them next. I suppose Instagram team is working on improvements.
Probably a new web interface may be launch soon as other competitors like
www.Picplz.com has already this interface. A future web Instagram interface would be definitely interesting to visualize photos, edit your profile and manage hundreds of followers contacts.
It would be also much easier to go back 2 months earlier in a Pc than do scroll in a screen of Iphone!
Sent from my Iphone 18.01.2011
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