Instagramers Academy Third Mobile Photography Workshop in Barcelona during the World Mobile Congress.
Our Instagramers Academy Team strikes back in Barcelona during most important worldwide mobile event. TAG: #instaworldbcn
Next Wednesday February 26th, our Instagramer Barcelona @Igersbcn team will organize a conference entitled “beyond the Instagram app”. The event will take place at Mobile World Center of Barcelona at 19:30 h thanks to the invitation of @MW_Centre
Phil Gonzalez (@philgonzalez), founder of the @Igers Instagramers Network will talk about Instagrams last figures and trends and the opportunities brands can take advantage of around this “social photography” revolution. Phil will also elaborate on the newest Instagramers projects such as the @Igersgallery also know as the Instagramers Gallery…
Pablo D Martin (@pablodmartin), our local manager for @Igersaragon and @Igerszgz will reveal our brand new concept known as the Instagramers Academy that first started in Italy last year and that was transferred to Spain through @Igersacademia. Pablo will define the underlying philosophy of the initiative, the upcoming workshops and he will talk about the development of Instagramers communities.
Closing the workshop will be Dani Parra (@daniparra_photo), our well known mobile photographer and @igersMadrid co-manager. He will be holding a workshop on his favorite mobile photography edition apps, more specifically the last version of Layrs app by Artware, Incs.
Layrs App is a great photo editing application that allows you to do true multi-layer photo editing on your mobile device. With their new version, you can separate your photos into an unlimited number of layers and edit each one individually, add multiple objects taken from other photos and experience a wider range of coloring effects and filters from subtle to abstract. A big step forward in mobile photography editing.
Don´t miss this great opportunity to meet with our Instagramer Friends! We will be having a little cocktail at the end of the workshop!
Register for free here!!!
Tag of the event: #instaworldbcn
A big thank you to our sponsors, Layrs app.
and Estrella Damm that are supporting this project.