Instagramers Mexico 6th exhibition Movilidad in Guadalajara

On september 7th, 2012, igersmexico saw their 6th photo expo opening in the SITEUR (Urban Light Rail System) Art gallery in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. 
The theme for the expo was Mobility and it was open to everyone and it was released through the iphone app Instagram. During 2 weeks almost 3 thousand photos, from all over mexico and other countries, were submitted to the #mexigers_movilidad hashtag.
The overwhelming task of selecting the winners for this expo was in charge of 3 judges, Sergio Garibay and Mito Covarrubias , both of them professional photographers, and Rodrigo Vazquez, Founder of Bikla, a public bicycle system. 134 photos, most of them taken and edited on iPhone, were selected to be displayed in the expo. Every day, more than 60,000 people passes by this art gallery.
Team work is the key for success and the 10 people in the Igersmexico team worked all the way to make this happen, from networking to hours mounting the expo, putting aside work, family and recreation. Part of this working force were the sponsors like helping with the photo prints and SITEUR allowing the use of the gallery.
The most satisfying part of the expo was the reaction and reception people had towards the photos in display, most of them said they liked them, but when they were told that those photos were taken and edited with a mobile device, their facial expression and appreciation for the photo changed, they were surprised that such fine pieces could be achieved by using a phone. “… the photographer gives that human warmth to the photo, not the machine….” said a man looking at the photos.
There was a very rewarding moment at the expo, an 8 year old child, went around with his school notebook, looking for the artist whose photos were on display, and asked them for their autograph, the kid would ask: “are you an artist? where is your drawing? , referring to authors photo.
The @igersmexico Mobility expo will be on display and open to the general public from September 7th to October 5th, 2012.

RTmagazine , is a bimonthly publication about lifestyle, art, design, events, photography, fashion. is free and in this number 3 we have 4 pages about pictures from our #MEXIGERS in our 2 last instagram exhibitions “Movilidad” and “Tentacion” and JUXT.

They print 20,000 magazines in each number.