Instagramers Rio pictures projected in one of the most important building’s in Rio.

If you could represent electricity in just on one image, what would it be?


Thinking about this issue, LIGHT – Rio de Janeiro’s energy company and distributor – is proposing a cultural contest in Instagram called #instalight, celebrating the centenary of the building “Centro Cultural Light” that had it’s front turned into historical heritage.
The hashtag #instalight is being promoted by our @IgersRio Instagramers Rio team and the jury will choose 30 lucky winners who will see their images projected with high technology in this old and famous building in Rio de Janeiro.

Besides this super exhibition, the 2 most voted images will win an Ipad2!

See here all the pics of #Instalight contest til now!

@paulakossatz and @annaleticohen



The case Instalight in Instagram recap by Rodrigo Lomelino  (EuroRscg campaign)