Once upon a time there was… Instagram



It all began the day I answered an advert for my motorcycle shock absorbers… On that day, I met a guy who told to me : “I’m on Instagram”. He was a professional photographer. We were in June 2012.

For some reason when I got home, I signed up to Instagram and posted my first photo. 24 hours later I had 100 followers !…

I decide to work some more on my image framing, explore what others are posting, work on my calibrations. More testing, over and over again, and lots of deleting… I devour photos from the world over and try different photo styles.


visuel intro jb corazzi instagram

Instagram is an incredible photolab where you can gain feedback in real time of your photos.


Backwards and forwards we go exchanging opinions and advise… 3 months later, and continued success.

Then, I feel myself more confident with photo capture and offer to realize a short promotional film on the “Rentrée – back to work and school” for a French TV network. Incredibly they accept and I’ve now made my first film with my Instagram photos as inspiration. The network love the film and they even say “It looks like photos”. I’m so happy they got my concept… I wanted the film to be that of a view through the eyes of a photographer, not a video cameraman.

Another 3 months later, this same TV network call me again to direct a new short film about wishes of the new year. I take up the challenge ! Nights and nights on my motorcycle to find locations… I loved that !
visuel end jb corazzi instagramBut I need actors… Well, naturally, I ask for some help on Instagram… and I find it !


Instagram is an amazing mutual aid network : @sysiphe lent his classic car, @cam_wilde, @kk_ben @noiraude, @zericiphone, @claire_schepens, @wildlifeuntowildworld, and @vutheara acted some scenes… I’m inspired by a @lilly_rose‘s photo for a shot…


Definitively, for me, there was a before and after Instagram. That’s a remarkable training school, a place of exchange. Everyone is free to use it has its way Thanks again to all those who helped me.


Today, I’m an Instagramer since 8 months, and journey continues… Best wishes of long life for my favorite network ! Let’s some great friendships of enthusiasts photographers rise !

@jbcorazzi (see stream here!)

You can follow @jbcorazzi  ´s work at  www.corazzi.fr  and note that @jbcorazzi is also part of our @IgersParis team!