Read This if You Want to Be Instagram Famous – The Book!


I’m happy to announce the launch of the photography book Read This if You Want to Be Instagram Famous, featuring yours truly. I was asked to share the story of how I came to create and elaborate on the value of InstaMeets by @henrycarroll.


read_this_if_you_want_to_be_instagram_famous“It’s important to meet your Instagram friends in real life. This builds solid friendships and gives you greater insights into your followers. As Instagram says, ‘community first’!


If you’d like to check it out, Laurence King Publishing have given us a discount code for our readers to use on their website.


Enter the code PHILGONZALEZ at checkout at the link below to get 20% off the book, and read my own advice along with that of dozens of other fascinating contributors.

Check it now here:

