ScantoGram a QR code generator for Instagram users
With ScantoGram and a simple scan of a QR code, users can easily follow you and your team
ScantoGram is a recently launched service based on
Instagram mobile photography fever. We got in touch with its team to know a little bit more about it. In short,
ScantoGram is a fun and quirky way for
organizations, and other kind of groups to build their Instagram follow-base. With the simple scan of a QR code, users can easily follow you and your team.
The tool was recently feature on
TechCrunch, and we thought very interesting to know about the project from the ScantoGram team and founders.
Thanks ScantoGram to answer to our questions, (see team here in the collage in the right side)
Can you explain us just a little bit about the project?
Scantogram is a fun “quirky” new way for businesses and groups to grow their Igers followings on the web using Scan
QR Code technology. We built
Scantogram over a period of 48 hours during our first Scan company hackathon. You can read more
about the event here.
Which is the main added value for Igers?
Scantogram is a new way to connect with potential/future followers. Instead of having to go through Instagram to search usernames, you can simply scan the QR code, it will take you to the users page and you will be able to follow them directly from there. It also allows Igers to share and display their top favorite “Igers” to follow. It’s a great marketing/networking tool to build your numbers and connect with other Instagramers.
Practically how does it work?
It is very easy. You simply go to the website: and then Click “Create your free page” and begin entering in the Igers usernames that you wish to display! It’s very simple and user friendly!
Are you in contact with Instagram team?
Which are the next steps of the project?
You can follow our team on
Twitter to stay in-tune with the latest updates. Our twitter handles are:
@kriswarwick and the other team members can be found here of course in
our Scan.Me webpage.
Thanks very much once again SantoGram,
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