Ten tips for brands on Instagram



Today we receive as guest @OrazioSpoto, one of our main representative in Italy. Orazio works for an important communication and advertising company and we asked him to define his 10 best tips for Brands on Instagram. Hope it helps!


1) The community is not about influencers.

So, please don’t think about instagram users as bloggers or opinion leaders. A successful project comes from collective participation and not by individual actions. And if you really want to identify some instagram users we recommend you should focus on number of likes/rate and not only about how many followers he/she has.

2) Don’t force the hand asking to instagram your products.

The instagram users will gladly  do that but with a heavy permission marketing strategy behind.

3) For the same reason, don’t necessarily use an hash tag containing your brand in your contest.

4) Focus on your brand values and make them stand out simply.

Usually your advertisement or your website communicate your values. With Instagram, the communication is essentially realized by your customer/fans. So the more direct you are, the clearer your values come out.

5) Keep the game as simple as possible.

Those who use Instagram belong to every market segmentation. The equation smartphone user = very rich and graduated guy has passed away .

6) Keep it short: There are many projects on Instagram that lack of a hierarchical information organization.

A challenge should be focused on a limited period of time (7 days – 10  days max) maximizing the impact of your communication.

7) Propose visibility.

Participation is spontaneous and virality is guaranteed if your project has a strong artistic but popular streak.

8) Do not expect numbers but emotions.

it’s hard to track results on instagram except for call to actions but be aware. A too strong sales action on instagram may be unproductive for your brand.

9) As it is for every social network, Instagram is not an exception. 

Always try to generate conversations and interact with your followers. Remember: You have to interact and update your company feed during all year and not only during your projects, contests or key events.

10) Show you’re human.

Give visibility to those who work behind your brand. Instagram is about people and not exclusively about brands and its products or services.


@oraziospoto from @igersMilano @IgersItalia