A few days ago one internet user shared in his Twitter account something really cool.
For some reason, Instagram/Facebook‘s public photos, can be “translated” into ASCII code simply adding an extension to them.
The reason? Although there isn’t any official announcement, could be some new product/service that Facebook have under their sleeves or… it’s just some developers having fun 🙂
Anyway, it’s a cool trick for give our photos some new perspective.
So. How it’s done?
First of all, it must be done from a browser (Safari in this example) and you need to know your picture URL. This could be done inspecting your photo and opening it in a new tab.

1- Inspect the photo

2- Copy the photo URL

3- Paste the photo URL and append the extension
From there you just need to append the extension to the image URL as follows: append “.txt” for classic ASCII art or append “.html” for colored ASCII art
The result is an artistic version of our photos in ASCII code:

versión original: https://scontent-mad1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/12080475_924636364240491_1926210652_n.jpg

versión ASCII: https://scontent-mad1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/12080475_924636364240491_1926210652_n.jpg.html
There’s an app for that. Well, sort of. In this site you can just paste the Instagram URL for your picture (from instagram.com), select the ASCII style and press MAGIC: https://thought.ai/ascii/
Enjoy and share!
Photo credit: @gastonoliva