Two Instagramers exhibits in Trieste, Italy
The exhibit will take place from December 17 to January 07/2012.
Our Local Instagramers Trieste founders, @ralfmalf (Raffaele Cavicchi) and @tenebrogg (Giulio Giacconi) will first exhibit in Trieste, Italy.
They found a great mobile telephone company, Wind as main sponsor so they will probably be able to carry on with the exibition throughout Italy in the next month.
The visitors will see more than 70 pictures printed in 20×20 format, quality paper and artists are expecting more than 150 people will assist to the next inauguration.
Exhibit will take place on a fabulous two floors building refurbished as a store for Wind inTrieste in Piazza Unità d’Italia. Once the Italian tour will have finished, the exhibit will probably move to Slovenia, Croatia and Germany.
“This is one of the really first “solo”exhibitions, of iphoneography in Italy aiming to spread iphoneography art and culture” says Raffaele.
It´s not their first experience around Instagram, as Giulio and Ralf are used to teach about iphoneography, editing apps and share their best practices of our beloved photo-sharing app…
Congrats IGuys and hope it will be a great success!



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