There is so many things you can tell in just one shot in Instagram… Imagine what would you do with two, three or twelve of them! Instagramers.com launched last month a new, original and creative hashtag called #Ministory.
Every month, we will award the best Pics in our blog. Create a #ministory is easy with DIPTIC APP
This is our February selection.
For our first month challenge, we received quite a lot of pics (around 125 pics until Sunday 06th of March) and we appreciated very much all your creative contributions and high quality level.
This month, Instagramers.com decided to award not only the best #ministory pics but also the funniest, the most sensitive, the most active user…
Next month, we will come back again with special Awards. Send your #ministory pics now!!
We will elect the best pic the first week of April.
Our #ministory february 2011 award goes to our Iger @Lolonyc.
@lolonyc “Unknow woman making up in a train”
“Private” moments of an unknown woman. A #ministory we live every day in the street, on the underground… People we will probably neve know, we will never talk to but who belong to our lives. How many times a day do we imagine our own #ministory in other people faces? Congrats @lolonyc.
#ministory awards to our Instagramers followers:
@supermacaddict with his “Winter Day Trip in a Convertible”
We appreciated particularly the work of editing of @supermacaddict in this serie of Iphone Pics. And it´s bravery to front cold on a winter day.. Although the storyboard could have been worked a little more!!! 🙂
@ledewitt has “party time tonight”!
We wanted to award IG User @ledewitt as well as the most active user with more than 20 #ministory pics! And a very good level of contribution.
@Lydiadavison´s Life in a NYC Collage.
Great job! We wanted to express the special interest of Instagramers.com for Lydia´s every day work on InstaGram. Although, if sometime she´s quite “cruel” with us guys…
@msjesiree day in Instagram
“Direct Live” of her daily activities in Instagram. Nice job of editing too.
An original #ministory is Jesus´s one. @jesusitito shows us how to edit a pic with different apps. A kind of tutorial and a very good idea in fact to teach other people how to use Iphone apps.
@punkrawdaddy “Day to Zoo”.
Punkraw shows us a day to the zoo with children.
@transitionpete Mid Year Career discussion
It seems that working day for @transitionpete has not been as good as tought. His boss didnt turn up to the meeting they agreed to talk about his career.
Special Awards for #ministory in one pic.
Instagramers.com wanted to award very especially the following pics of IG friends. Pics which don´t need any explanation at all. Three impressive #ministory in just one pic.
We want also to thank our Instagramers.com Designer who couldn´t participate in the contest.
@elhombretecla has a “badly sick day”.
We want to thanks all users who participate this month to our contest. There was so many pics we would have to show.
@whisk82 @sonisl @manzapol @migueloa @fliickman @suxsieq @mannaz71 @laina9662 @leeduboo @hdiazgu @fraonair @sissetta @bienardo @luison @torres @funk_lady @ravnon68 @morikeamppa @housito @muenchner_kindl @desperatephoto @ayoyohan @brunofrancesco @chrizar @sandygram @christb @pitimini @msjesiree @fabisanroma @angel_alvarez @lamalahierba @marargh @macdaddy3 @williamslad @visionburnt
All pics are available here on a web browser in https://www.listagr.am/t/ministory
P.D: We received today sad news and we wanted to dedicate very specially this post and first #ministory awards to @thespoiledbutterfly who left us this week end. She was a great person. She told us her way her ministory… R.I.P.
#Ministory board are @myriam40a and @philgonzalez Igers.