New Instagrafic Albums App Available for Android Now


Few months ago we presented here this very cool instagrafic app from a spanish company and today we introduce you its new Android version.


new instagrafic appThe free app has been updated and offers new possibilities to make albums with Instagram’s photos. It was already available for iPhone, iPad but today you can download it and use it on your Android devices.

In the first version born in last July, instaGrafic is an app to make your own design albums personalized with your Instagram’s pics. With this new version that we introduce you, we have the chance to share these albums also online and freely.

You will be able to use new colors to customize your album frame as you like, a packaging made with recycled cardboard and absolutely ecologic and easier ways of payment and shipping.

With this album 2.0 we can pick our best pictures and immortalize them. instaGrafic lets us to elaborate a design photo album by only a click, without any complex steps and long hours of edition, either. Simply, it is needed to pick the 36 desired pictures (as in the old photography reels), choose the background’s color and the bookbinding sewing’s.

instaGrafic is already available for iPhone, iPad and Android devices. The album has a final economic price of around 16€ (promotional discount and shipping costs included) and available almost worldwide.


Let´s instagrafic the world!


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